Tuesday 26 April 2016

Celebrate Your Love

It so happens that my husband's birthday and our wedding anniversary are exactly 7days apart so i normally put up posts to celebrate both on Facebook. Last year, someone on my friend list made a comment on the birthday post I had put up to celebrate my husband. This person said I should not proclaim my husband. And his reason is that he felt I should be scared of husband snatchers. All I could do at that time was smile endlessly.

Here really is the point. I am a minister and my marriage is a ministry. I am an encourager and my marriage should be too. I don't talk about my life to brag to anyone but to encourage people that they can have fulfilling relationships under God. I do what i do out of personal conviction. I have never said my life/spouse/marriage was perfect. I am simply an epitome of God's grace and I am ALWAYS humbled by that fact.

However, we hear too many negative stories about marriage in our wold today. We need to counter the effect of all the negativity though by pitching the positive stories to the glory of God. The very reason I love posts where spouses celebrate their marriages of several years.

I remember someone reacting to that friend's comment and asking why I still thanked the person for such a comment. My response was that we see things differently one from another and my show of gratitude was not sarcastic. I meant it. It doesn't necessarily mean one is right and the other is wrong if we hold varying views about an issue. What's important is to have the right motives for whatever we do and how we do them.

Well, as usual I talked to God about that incidence and I got a clear. . .

"There is no fear in love" was what I heard in my spirit.

I love the book of Songs of Solomon like wetin happen. And it is a support system for this post.

The man and his woman in that book did so well celebrating their love. They told each other how wonderful they were to each other. . . And they told others too.

The love they shared obviously thrived so well. They watered their love with their words as they did with their actions.

I have heard some married women say that the last time they heard their husbands tell them that they loved them was on their wedding day. And God help those who got married in a country like Nigeria where you don't even have to say "I love you", to your spouse on your wedding day.

I feel so elated when my husband speaks highly about me while teaching in Church or while just speaking to people. Of course I know he loves me but we still make sure to affirm our love for each other at every given opportunity.

I sometimes laugh within myself when I see someone talking to the spouse over the phone end the call with "you too". I could almost guess that the person on the other side of the phone had said "I love you". You shouldn't get tired of saying "I love you" to your spouse. . . And be sure you mean it.

When last did you tell your wife or husband that you love them?

When last did you send an SMS or email to remind him/her how much you cherish him/her?

How about you pick up your phone and give your spouse a call. . .Tell him/her you are thinking of him and you love her.

Yes, he/she probably knows that you love him/her. It is however imperative that you tell your spouse constantly.

It's okay if you decide to celebrate your love only in the corners of your house.

 It's okay also if you decide to ask others to celebrate with you like the Shulamite in the book of Song of Solomon. 

However way you decide. . .

Choose wisely. . .

Just make sure you celebrate and strengthen the chords of your love. Celebrate your spouse! Celebrate the grace of God. Celebrate God's way.

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2016


  1. I like to share this. We all need to know this. Recently, I heard someone say every morning she drop a note in her hubby pocket before he leave for work or in his bag saying a sweet word to him even after saying often to his face.

  2. Thanks sis, nice piece.

  3. Always inspired by ur write-ups. Thumbs up!

  4. Yes o. Husband and wife should celebrate each other. You glorify God in doing that.

  5. All I can say is that God answers prayers.

    Having grown up in a polygamous home, I started praying as a teenager that God would give me a godly husband.

    When I got born-again, I spoke God's word to my marriage all the time and imagined it was my reality even though I was single then. I got to the point where I just KNEW it was already my reality without any fear.

    Now, I look back and I am so much in awe of what the Lord has done for me.

    He has given me an incredibly great, godly, and selfless man who treats me like the finest and most precious person on earth.

    How do you expect me then not to celebrate a good husband and father like that?

    Each one to his own but I never get tired of tellng my husband that I love him and thank God he does the same.

    A beautiful marriage is attainable with God's help regardless of one's background.

    My life is proof!

    1. I am totally in love with your comment sis. God indeed answers prayers. He is a faithful God. God bless you and your home more in Jesus' name

    2. God will sustain the relationship stay firmly in God with God

    3. I love this as I love Sister Omolola's. You can write a book on it Ma, seeing you are a good writer. I will love to read it.

    4. Exactly my story,and that is what I am using for my daughters too, a day doesn't go by without us speaking into their marriages (they are 1+ and 3 by the way,lol,),but I so much believe in prophecing what you want......because I am a testimony.

  6. You're such a great writer, teacher, minister of the word and indeed a wonderful woman. God bless you sis. People like you are needed in times like this. More wisdom I pray for u. It's a good thing to celebrate your spouse. It's quite unfortunate the kind of society we find ourselves in. Like you rightly said, there is no fear in love

    1. Thank you so much sis ☺
      . . A big Amen to your prayers. May God help us align with God so that we can have model marriages that glorify God and is a safe haven for people around us.

  7. Sis Omosebi more grace IJMN

  8. Sharing this immediately. Omolola Mary Omosebi you are a great blessing to this generation. Your sun will not set at noon.

    1. Amen ijmn

    2. Thank you so much dear sis for the constant encouragement. . . Amen!
      God bless you sis ☺

  9. There is greater joy in knowing and fulfilling one's destiny. Fulfilling your destiny will lead many other destinies to their fulfilments.'He(she) who waters, shall be watered.' Amen. RESPECT!!!

    1. Thanks for the constant encouragement my dear brother. May God help us all walk in His will daily

  10. I love this write up. There is no harm when spouses celebrate their love for each other. It strengthens the cord of the relationship. Children see this in the life of their parents and this strengthens their opinion or view about marriage as compared to what the world calls it.

  11. do u know I just realised it been long I told my hubby I love him? tanx for remaining me. am gonna say it tonight.

    1. Great. Thank God this post touched you. It is well with your marriage sis

  12. My dear, you are really wise and I thank God for your life. Your post just reaffirms my views. I have had friends say it's not good to post or celebrate on Facebook cos of evil doers, you are broadcasting your life and so forth. My view has always been that my posts on FB are a celebration of my life and those close to me. I am also building a portfolio of everlasting memories that my grandchildren and children can look back on. It is not a flamboyant show of lifestyle to anyone. What you have written just affirms how I feel about the matter. God bless you and increase you in knowledge.

    1. Awww. Thank you sis for the constant affirmation. . . Amen to the prayers ☺

    2. Awww. Thank you sis for the constant affirmation. . . Amen to the prayers ☺


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