Tuesday 18 August 2015

Second Fiddle?

Please help me tell my single sisters not to go become a second fiddle; the spare wheel. Why settle for less? When you can go for tear-rubber, why settle for fairly-used or brutally-used? Some women would settle for being "the other woman". Why? O why?

My heart bleeds when I see ladies who decide to be in relationships with someone who's already taken. What I can figure out in such persons is lack of self-esteem. They see themselves as being of no value.

You prefer to cause another woman pain. To put assunder what God has joined together. You cause disarray in another person's home. That is an act of wickedness and the Bible says that "it shall not be well with the wicked". Again, that is stealing. Don't place a curse on yourself. What a man (or woman) sows he (or she) will reap.

I see no justifiable reason to enter into a relationship with a married person. People give several flimsy excuses for engaging in this despicable act. Why not go and groom your own? Why not start on a clean slate? A married person is a no-go-area for you either you are single or married. You shouldn't even consider that kind of advance. No matter what he promises you, don't give in to the enticement. That is surely not what God has planned for you. A man is to be joined to his wife (not wives). Be not deceived.

You are important to God. And He has your best interest at heart. He has reserved the best for you. Why not wait for it. Don't hurry into less than what you should get. Don't let anyone deceive you into believing that you can only get some leftover meals. You deserve a fresh meal, nourishing and sumptuous.

You are worth more than precious jewels. . . Treat yourself as a woman of great value that you are.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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