Friday 29 May 2015

Nigeria, Look to The Lord

Right from the time preceding the 2015 general elections, I've been wondering what's going on in the minds of the majority of the people in this nation. I read what many people write and I marvel. I hear some people's views about the 'change' they look forward to and all I can mutter is, "God have mercy!"

What am I driving at? The direction of the expression of the thoughts of people are alarming. The new president is seen as the saviour for many. They believe in him so much. They have labelled him a lot of things ranging from messiah to solution-provider. Some believe that the new party in government is the sure solution to Nigeria's problems. It's okay to hope for a better future. . .

But to forget the place of God in all of this is dreadful. God is a jealous God and He will never share His glory with anyone. I remember the case of King Herod who accepted the title "god". He was struck dead. It is God we should all look up to. He is the only one that can save this nation. He is the only one that can restore the past/lost glory of this land. He is the one that can sweep this nation clean. God is our only hope. We should take refuge in Him.

Don’t put your trust in mere humans.
They are as frail as breath.
What good are they? (Isaiah 2:22)

Let us with one heart lift our eyes to The Lord God Almighty. Let us trust Him alone to help us. Let us not misplace our priorities. God is our Saviour, not any man or political party. The arm of flesh will fail. Placing our trust in man will only yield disappointments. Our God never fails.

Way Forward: Those of us who are called by The Name of God should humble ourselves. Let us PRAY. Pray for Nigeria. Pray for God's mercy upon our land. Pray for our leaders- that they may fear God. Pray that God will wipe out every negativity from this nation. Each one of us should do our part- desist from wicked/evil acts. Let us seek justice/uprightness. Let us seek peace. Let your light shine in your little/big corner. Be the salt of the earth.

One thing is sure if we do this. . . God will heal our land. And great shall be our peace.

God bless Nigeria!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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