Saturday 9 May 2015

If You Fall. . .

Instead of beating yourself down because you fell, look to the Lord for recovery. Don't let anyone make you believe that you cannot rise again, that you are beyond redemption. Trust God for restoration. Nothing is big enough to separate us from the love of God. He has an everlasting love for His children. We must always remember that we cannot save ourselves. Only God can. The devil wants to keep us down. There is that saying that "He that is down needs fear no fall", I seem to have another meaning for it right now. Someone who is down soon gets accustomed with dirtiness. He let's down his guard because he feels "Well, I'm already on the floor, what more?" He says to himself, "My garment is already dirty, I could as well clean my oily hand with it." He gets so used to being on the floor that he soon sees no reason to rise to his feet anymore. He simply sinks deeper into the ground. He gets weighed down by the accumulating deposits of sin.
Check this out:

Rejoice not against me, O my enemy! When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me. I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against Him, until He pleads my cause and executes judgment for me. He will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold His righteous deliverance. (Micah 7:8-9)

Here's what The Bible says:

Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

It is your duty to seek the Lord for deliverance. Come to Him, He will not cast you away. You need to seek solace in Him. Be ready to turn away from your ungodly ways. He will take you back. Remember that God is a merciful God. He always looks forward to the lost sheep coming back home. His love is constant.

There are two men in the Bible who reacted to their sin in completely different ways.

King David is the first person. He committed lookery,. . . adultery. . .and then murder. When the Word of God convicting him of his sins came to him, he came back to his senses. He knew he had no other place to go. He ran back to God in reverent fear. He repented of his sin asked for forgiveness and God restored him. Was he punished for his sin? Yes. But he was restored to God. This is the ultimate. He was named "Man after God's heart" not because he was sinless but because he didn't justify his evil actions and sort God out for redemption when he fell. I kinda agree with the lyrics of a song that says, "A saint is a sinner who fell down but rose again". David had the right attitude. He was not ready to loose God no matter what.

The second person is Judas. He betrayed his master- Jesus. "O, I did a terrible thing", he must have said to himself. How did he handle his dilemma? He sunk into self-pity mode I guess. He saw himself as 'un-redeemable'(not sure about the word but hope you understand what I mean). Instead of allowing God pick up the broken pieces of his life and mend him, he dug a grave and buried them. He was lost forever.

This is not justifying falling. This is a reality check that we fall sometimes. When we do, we have two options: run into the everlasting arms of our Father or run farther away into total destruction by wallowing in self-pity. The choice is ours.

Don't stay down!

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Picture credits: Web

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