Saturday 12 September 2015

All That Glitters is Not Gold.

As I sat there cracking walnuts, I began thinking about how blind our physical eyes truly are- even though they are wide open. My thought was briskly drawn to the several choices I have made and those I have seen others make (Marital choices, career choices, relationship choices, etc). You see, some of the walnuts were in perfect condition while some others were already rotten. There was no way I could have discerned which nuts were good and which ones were bad.

Sometime ago, I entered a fabric store to get some materials. I picked one which I felt matched the colour I wanted. I suddenly realized the light in the store wasn't white at all. I decided to step out of the shop and verify the real colour of the material. Lo and behold, I had something entirely different from what I wanted in my hands. I wouldn't have discovered until I probably got home.

That it looks like gold doesn't necessarily make it gold 'cos it could just be gold plated. The fact that that guy is tall, dark and handsome and probably with the sweetest smile you've ever seen doesn't necessarily mean he's the perfect match for you. The fact that that lady has the finest face, has the sweetest voice and is sooooo nice does not necessarily make her Miss right for you. The fact that the new job comes with a better pay does not necessarily make it a wise choice because it might actually be a death trap for you (maybe not of your body, but of your spirit or marriage- just like Adam and Eve).

My sister usually refers to The Holy Spirit as the Binoculars of Life. I kinda like that description of Him. The Holy Spirit helps us see what our physical eyes cannot see. He makes life much easier to live in. With Him there is no need for trial and error, no gambling.

Trust The Holy Spirit from today and see for yourself what difference His presence can make in a man's life. He has the perfect test strip for every step you need to take.

Go and win with Jesus!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Three Levels of Marriage

Those involved in drilling for water know that you get more water much deeper down the ground. Research shows that the earth may have underground ocean three times that on the surface. The deeper the better. Water deeper down would be free from contamination by sewage and the likes.

I want to share with you what I would like to call the 3 'S' Levels of marriage.

*Sharing Level: This is the surface level kind of love. It is the 'give and take' kind of love. Each party is sort of, 'repaying' the other for their kindness by being kind in return. This level of marriage is the kind where the spouses work towards meeting each other mid-point. Once one of the two has refused to offer any good thing, the other person ceases from bringing any good to the table. At this level, it is a relationship of convenience at work. She is good, he is good in return. She is bad, he becomes bad too.

*Serving Level: This is a deeper level of marriage than the sharing level. The spouses seek to serve one another, and others around them too. They both wear the servant's garment on their spirits. Humility helps them submit to each other under God.

*Sacrifice Level: Now, this is the deepest level of commitment. It takes grace to exhibit the kind of love that characterises this level of marriage. At this point, his life is now truly her life and vice versa. Both the husband and wife are ready to make any sacrifice necessary to make their marriage what God wants it to look like and to see to it that their individual life's purposes are fulfilled. They share the kind of love Jesus shows us- selfless, true and pure.

Sharing, Serving or Sacrificial. . . Where are you at? And where are you going.

-OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Saturday 5 September 2015

Only The Way of The Lord Leads To Life

An incidence from my secondary school days was brought to my memory today. We had a Maths test on a topic I disliked with all my heart. Immediately the Maths teacher wrote the questions on the chalkboard, the 'efico' (maths guru) of the class solved the questions with the speed of light and virtually everyone started to copy from her because the teacher went to conduct the test for other classes.

I also copied the supposed solution. However, as I was about to finish copying, I felt this guilt weighing me down. Immediately, I tore the paper I was copying the solution on and I picked another sheet of paper. I tried to solve the Maths problem to the best of my ability and submitted.

Well, the test results came back and I had scored 12 out of 15 marks (and that was because I couldn't finish solving the equation because time had run out on the day of the test) while all those who copied the answers from the "Maths guru" scored nothing.

How can I ever forget that incidence?

As I was thinking about that experience of mine, I was being ministered to.

Many of us just want the easy way out of our life issues. We usually look to other human beings like ourselves to solve our problems. We forget our virtues in the face of trouble. Some of us "set Christianity aside" to get our problems solved the way of the world. Many simply walk out of the way of the Lord.

Well, I have news for you (or wish to remind you) that the way of the world will only lead you to destruction. Only God's way will lead you to the green pastures. The way of the world can only lead you to the synthetic grass (fake and useless for food).

There is a path before each person that seems right,
but it ends in death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Look to the Lord for your help. He is the only one with the perfect solution to every problem in your life. Put your trust in God alone henceforth and I assure you that all things will work together for your good.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

Stop trying to pre-empt God. You need to grow beyond the level of a bread and butter Christian (like my mother would say) who only stays with God when he/she gets what he's looking for from God. Move up to the place where you will be able to say, "Even though He slay me, I will yet trust Him!"

Because even if he killed me, I'd keep on hoping. (Job 13:15 MSG)

Remember that all that you need for life has been given to you by God. It's in You! Don't throw it away for a morsel of bread or a bowl of pottage. Believe me, ALL you need is GOD.

-OMOSEBI Mary Omolola