Wednesday 10 February 2016


Still on the inter-house sports competition in our children's school that i started talking about in my last post (Click here ). . .

When it got to the time for the relay race, an athlete who took the second leg fell and caused his house to move to the last position by the time he passed the baton to the next person. However, immediately the guy who was to take the last leg of the race laid his hand on the baton, he ran like his life depended on that race.

Lo and behold, the unexpected happened. He swiftly moved from the fourth position to the first position at the finish line. Almost everyone rose up from their seats, screaming with excitement at the miracle.

At that point, I heard in my spirit, "Repair the race".

Here's what was ministered to my heart:

It doesn’t matter what your parents and generations before now have suffered. There can be a change for good. Jesus said,

 “I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. (Matthew 18:18 NLT)

Have you noticed an embargo has been placed on your lineage and has been manifesting in your life causing you not to attain your full potential? It is time for a repair!

Vehemently reject the negativity that has ravaged your life. Take the bull by the horn. Face your problems right in the face in the place of prayers, coupled with fasting if you think it is necessary. Challenge those obstacles in your way with the Word of God. Insist that the negative occurrences have come to an end. Take your victory with all sense of determination.

It is time for a change. Have faith in God and declare the mountains before you to make way for you.

Receive double honour in place of your shame.
Receive the beauty of God in place of the ashes that has covered your life.
Receive strength in place of fear.
Receive gladness in place of mourning.
Claim divine peace in place of despair.

There's still more. . .

Have you fallen? Rise up my friend. Stand up from your fallen state. It is time to put a stop to your backsliding.

It doesn’t matter how far in sin you have gone. There is hope for you. Jesus is beckoning on you today with open arms, to come to Him thou weary soul. Drop your sins at the cross today and decide not to return into that mess.

The Blood of Jesus is potent enough to wash every layer of sin from you, no matter how thick and to make you white as snow.

Don’t allow the devil keep you in the mud of sin. Arise and begin to shine in righteousness from today.

Your return to God will turn you to a celebrity in Heaven because so much joy fills Heaven when a sinner repents.

May the Lord pull you out from the miry clay and set your feet upon the Rock.

By the power in the name of Jesus, the Lord will step into your case and turn again your captivity and it will be as if you were dreaming!

Your story will change for the best and all who have looked down on you shall henceforth look up to you in the name of Jesus!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2016

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