Thursday 3 March 2016

Don't Lie to Us, Your Middle Name is Esau!

Many of us are usually quick to judge Esau- the son of Isaac, when in actual fact we act just like him and qualify to be christened "Esau".

Esau sold his birthright for a plate of red pottage. He made life changing decisions based on momentary pain of his flesh. Satisfying his hunger for food seemed more important than his lifelong inheritance.

So, how do I know that you are either a Hesau or a Shesau?

The enemy of your soul keeps coming in his craftiness to take your salvation away from you. He wants to take it away in exchange for fame, money, and any good thing of life you can think of. Sadly, these things are temporal.

When you make light of your godly inheritance as a child of God, you are no different from Esau.

When you trade your body for money or marks in school, you are an Esau too.

When you sleep with a man because you do not want him to leave you for another lady, you are selling your birthright for marriage.

When you sleep with your boss for a promotion and decide to call a mad man your groom all in the name of progress, that is the height of foolishness.

When you bribe your way up the business or career ladder, you are walking on the wrong path.

When you choose to visit an herbalist for the healing of your body don't you know you are trading that with the health of your spirit which will remain after the body is gone?

Is God opening your eyes to see areas where you have traded your birthright for worldly goodies?

Are you now very sure that your other name is not Esau?

Congratulations if that is the case.

But please don't do a change of name.

Remain within the confines of grace. Hold on firmly to the faith you profess.

NOTHING is worth loosing your godly inheritance for.

In case you already traded off your birthright, how about you humble yourself before God and plead with Him for restoration. God can do that for you if you ask Him. Repent from your birthright trading business and face God squarely. 

I pray for increased grace for survival within the Kingdom boundaries for you today in Jesus' name!

- Omosebi Mary Omolola
© 2016

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