Wednesday 30 March 2016

It takes two to tango

Sometimes, scientific principles work well in real life. In mathematics, when you multiply a positive number with a negative number, the result is a negative value. This principle is applicable to marriage.

I have seen under many circumstances, only one partner in a marriage willing to make the marriage work. The other person goes around with a negative vibe. This negatively charged person has a nonchalant attitude towards the marriage. He/she just crosses his/her legs without any iota of willingness to see the marriage succeed. They even sometimes threaten their partners with quitting the marriage.

When two people embark on an assignment to move something, they cannot experience progress with one person pushing while the other is pulling. The two people involved in a marriage must be positively charged for their marriage to succeed.

Many people, especially women lament about the imbalance in advice given to married couples by counsellors. Even the entertainment world holds the same stance. They tell the woman that the marriage belongs to her. They make it look like only one person is responsible for the success of a marriage. They tell the woman so many things she should do and refuse to tell the man what he should be doing.

I have never been able to get my head around this absurd indoctrination. And as a matter of fact, I believe this has gone a long way in destroying many marriages that may have survived.

It is very important to get it into our heads, males and females alike, that both genders must be ready to work at having a successful marriage. All hands must be on deck.

It is time for you to stop the blame - game.  Own up to your faults and take responsibility for your role in the insanity of your marriage up until now.

Both the husband and wife should pray for their marriage.
Both the husband and wife should submit to God and to one another.
Both the husband and wife should love each other. . .

Else, you get yourself a malnourished marriage. If you refuse to invest in your marriage you shouldn't expect good fruits of happiness in your marriage either. It's a simple principle.

So, instead of standing aloof and complaining about what your spouse is not doing right, join forces together to build a good marriage with the help of God.

. . .and the two of you shall chase ten thousand as against one thousand that only one of you will.

A marriage will never work if only one person is trying to push the marriage to safety.

Just like in a tango, where both partners must concentrate on the dance and watch out for the other party lest they suffer any form of injury, it indeed takes two to make a marriage work.

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2016

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