Sunday 12 April 2015

Waiting For Perfect Conditions?

Someone who is afraid to step out in faith is a disaster to himself. Your actions could be likened to you waiting for snow to fall in Maiduguri, Northern Nigeria. It won't happen. (Well, with God nothing is impossible, but literally, . . .) You say, "No wedding till I have 5 million naira in my personal account, my personal building, . . ." -tall order. "No business till I have ten million naira in my account." The exhortation for someone today is to stop waiting for perfect conditions. You will most likely not achieve anything that way.

He who observes the wind will not sow, And he who regards the clouds will not reap (Ecclesiastes 11:4).

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We usually have to start from the base of the ladder and expected to climb up to the height designed for us. It is faith at work in us when we tell God, "I cannot see a boat on this river but at Your Word, I step in". The attitude of a winner is that which does not despise the days of little beginning. It is so sad that many people want to start their journey at the top of the ladder. They therefore keep procrastinating taking the steps they should.

If God is telling you to launch out into the deep, simply launch into the deep. If He tells you it's time to get married, wait no longer. If He says it's time to start a course, go for it. Do not miss out on God's timing for your life. Do not allow fear deprive you of the good that God has in store for you. Your current status has absolutely nothing to do with what God is making of your life. This is a phase. A phase that will pass. God can bring so much out of nothing. He is The creator. He specializes in doing the impossible. Trust Him to give you a safe landing at the end of your journey.

May God strengthen our faith in Him in Jesus' name!

Have a great week ahead!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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