Wednesday 15 April 2015

Challenged Worshippers

Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1 from verse 5) were old and had no child. Despite their challenge though, they did not stop their worship of The One True God. Neither did they halt their service to God. Humanly speaking, they could have decided to turn back from following God since it seemed He wouldn't even give them a child of their own.

I am really challenged by the life of this couple. They had a serious challenge but they didn't cave in. Their faith in God was rock solid. Their faith was not dependent on physical circumstances. They loved God irrespective of what they were going through.

One thing of note is that both husband and wife were upright- Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations (Luke 1:6). It was not only one of them that was seeking God. They both did. They both faced God squarely. They were sold out to Him. They did not boycott their duty posts in the name of being challenged. Usually, in our world today, once a wife is unable to conceive (like it was the case with Elizabeth), you will see the wife going from mountain to mountain to pray. Many men, instead of joining forces with their wives, look for alternative routes to getting "their" own children, leaving the wife out of the equation. This should not be. Zechariah and Elizabeth's marriage was balanced by their relationship with God. They did not focus on their in-abilities. Instead, they faced the Able God squarely. They served Him with all their hearts. They served faithfully. And punctually too. They did not backslide because of the challenge they were faced with.

I don't know what challenge you are facing right now. Neither do I know what is going on in your family. I am here today to encourage you to hold onto God firmly. Do not let that situation (temporary) snatch Jesus away from you. Let your confession be that "Even though he slay me, I will yet praise Him" Keep the faith. Remember, God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He owes no man. Keep depositing in your account in the Bank of Heaven. You will be amazed at the interest that would have accrued on your deposits by the time God decides to pay you back. God is a God that acts on time. God seeks your pains. In due time, He will show up for you. He is with you nonetheless. Never forget that.

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him (James 1:6).


~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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