Wednesday 11 November 2015

Dig Out the Debris From Your Well

In marital relationships, we find that couples could begin to get tired of each other, they may not be so attracted to each other as time passes in their marriage, or they begin to loose the enthusiasm they had for their relationship if care is not taken.

I don't know if that is the case with your marriage right now. Maybe you are not as excited about your marriage like you were before you got married or when you were newly married. I however, have come to you with a message of hope today. There is hope for your marriage. This message also applies to those whose marriages are still vibrant but wouldn't want to find themselves in a dying marriage. Your marriage does not need to loose it's zest. It is possible for your marriage to get better with age instead of going stale.

The focal Scripture for this post is not talking about marriage but it is what was laid on my heart when the title was given me:

He reopened the wells his father had dug, which the Philistines had filled in after Abraham’s death. Isaac also restored the names Abraham had given them. (Genesis 26:18 NLT)

This chapter is about Isaac. The enemy had filled the wells that Abraham his father had dug with dirt. Just like the righteous leaves an inheritance for his offspring, we could liken the wells to gifts that Abraham had left for his son.

Marriage is God's gift and His idea. When God gives this gift to us, the enemy is not happy with that so he tries everything possible to make you harbour the bad in your marriage instead of the good. An accumulation of the dirts that the enemy dumps in your hearts gradually seal up your chance of having a beautiful marriage like God intended for you. Like Jesus told His disciples, "While men slept the enemy came and sowed tares".

When we relax about working at our marriages, the enemy creeps in unawares and sows evil in our hearts and marriage. If we refuse to wake up, uproot the weeds from our vineyard and destroy them immediately, they gradually choke life out of our marriage until one day we find out that the marriage is actually dead.

It really does not matter for how long your well has been redundant and you have last been able to draw out fresh water from it. All that matters is for you to be willing to cooperate with God to make your marriage what He wants it to be. Your love can be revived. Your marriage can recover it's vigor. You can enjoy a romantic relationship with your spouse all over again.

It is time to begin to dig out every refuse that has been dumped in your marriage in the form of unforgiveness, insensitivity, selfishness, pride, unresolved issues, laziness, refusal to invest in your marriage,. . .

There must be water in your well.  Not just any kind of water but clean refreshing water. You must not give up until your well of love yields fresh water. You cannot be satisfied with less than the best. It is the same person that you are married to but you can constantly have the newly improved version of yourself and your spouse. Your marriage needs a new name. You need to have a wonderful testimony about your marriage- A sincerely wonderful testimony. The beautiful names you had attached for your spouse needs to be restored too. Seek sincere  change and pursue it. Instead of calling her Iya Sade, how about you go back to calling her sweetie like you did when your love was sizzling hot.

No water should be forceful enough to quench the fire of your love. Don't allow it.

Drink water from your own well— share your love only with your wife. (Proverbs 5:15)

Go on and begin to enjoy your spouse. Invite God into your marriage afresh. Ask Him to be the head of your home. You will notice that it was after Abraham had died that the wells got filled with dirt. Leaving God out of your marriage is the gravest error you could commit. Go back to where you left God.

Your destination is a wealthy place. God wants you to enjoy your marriage and not to endure it.

It can happen for you if you will be willing and obedient.

It will happen for you in Jesus' name!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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