Saturday 28 November 2015

¤ Eko and Efo riro ¤

Watching your weight (or height. . .lol)? I've got you covered tonight

Dinner is served. . .

I like the pop of colour the pap from yellow maize gives this dish . . .and it's got beta-carotene.

For the pap,
- 1 cup fermented corn starch
- 2.5 cups water

MARY's Method
* Soften the corn starch with half cup of water.

*Boil the remaining water in a pot. Pour in the paste and stir continuously till it fully gelatinizes and gives a very thick paste (that can only be scooped with a spoon). Cook for 5 minutes.

*Spoon the cooked pap into desired mould. Cover the surface with cold water. Allow to cool (you can put the pap in a refrigerator). Turn out from the mould when ready to serve.

»You can find the recipe for the vegetable soup here: Efo-riro-yoruba-style-vegetable-soup by MARY'S Kitchen

~Straight from MARY's Kitchen


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