Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sex Sanity In The Midst Of Sex Saturation

Okay, I don't even know how I came about this topic. . . Ministered to my spirit or saw it from someplace? Found it in my note anyway. . .

Yes, our world is sex-saturated. Women are being portrayed as sex objects. Children are being sexified. (Just don't you worry at all, my dictionary will be ready someday). Adverts are sex-oriented. Clothing materials are sex-motivated. Television programs are sex-possessed. Music lyrics and videos are sex inspired. The internet is sex - concentrated.  Online stores are not left out either. Sexual abuse is the order of the day.

You hear about sex every day almost every where directly and indirectly.

Abnormal orientation about sex is being portrayed as normal by the world. The world says it is okay to test run your fiancée before marriage. They say that having extramarital affairs is just like engaging in extracurricular activities and there is nothing wrong with that. They say it is an unwritten code for a man not to be a one woman man. They say that it is alright to sell your body for money as long as you know how to play your cards well. They say that you can simply replace your spouse with a toy or just do it yourself if your spouse is not functioning properly. They say that you are "old school" if you choose to go contrary to the world belief system.

I just want to remind you that God’s stand when it comes to the issue of sex is clear. Sex is rated "FOR THE MARRIED ONLY "  by God. The marriage bed must be undefiled. Your body is sacred. Stop giving in to the dictates of the flesh. Don't cave in under pressure. God's Word is eternal. And His Words says that He will judge all adulterers and fornicators. From my Bible, I don't see Him making any excuses to justify having sex outside marriage. There is NO justifiable reason to engage in sex outside marriage.

Don’t get it twisted. If you are yet to marry, wait until you get married to have sex. And to the married I say "Drink from your well ONLY".

You can be sexually sane despite the insanity of our world when it comes to the issue of sex. This is a statement of fact and I am certain that you can have the testimony of being sexually pure.

Saturate your spirit man with the Word of God. Read it. Study it. Meditate upon it day and night. Pray in the Holy Ghost  without season or ceasing. When your cup is full, there will be no room in your life for the rottenness the world has to offer. Lest I forget, always surround yourself with people who know and walk in the way of The Lord.

Fear God my people. . .

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015


  1. Yes, sexual purity is possible. That is what God commands and requires of us.


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