Tuesday 22 December 2015

Don't Fall For It

Sometime ago, I was in a place where they were showing an animated film. In that film, there was a group of talented fieries, each with its unique ability. One of the fieries was super talented and was trying out her hand on several things and she was successful until she made a mistake that led to the destruction of their domain. She was scolded and had to leave for somewhere else. She then decided to take with her the main source of their power.

On her way, she came across a group of pirates who made her feel loved without her knowing that they had an ulterior motive for making her feel accepted by them. To cut the long story short, her co-fieries came to look for her and to persuade her to return home but she refused. They told her she was loved by her family but did not believe them instead she chose to believe the strangers. She was deceived by the pirates. They used her to achieve their aim of getting their ship to fly and then dumped her- she was locked in a jar and dropped into the ocean. She survived because the other fieries came to rescue her.

 The Holy Spirit ministered something important to me about that film last night.

Many of us do not like to be chastised for our wrongdoings. Many of us prefer to be lied to. When brethren from the household of faith point out our mistakes, we say that they do not love us. When God scolds you for doing evil, you run to where you will receive a pat on the back for doing the wrong thing.

This makes many to step out of the confines of God’s grace. We leave our spiritual families and choose to believe outsiders who now tell us how terrible our family members are. The devil suggests to you that the Church does not love you. He even tells you that God does not care about you else why would he discipline you like that. The devil tells you that he is the one who cares about you and successfully leads you farther away from home and encourages you to go deeper into sin.

Do not be deceived my brethren. Don’t fall for the gimmicks of the devil. He is cunning and crafty. There is no love in the devil. He would only use you and dump you when you are no longer of no good use to him. Be wise.

 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 NLT)

God loves you. Even in His discipline is love. When He tarries in showing up concerning your situation, it is  all because He loves you so much to want make all things work together for your good. He knows the perfect time for Him to hand that blessing over to you. Open your eyes to His unfailing love.

Return home if you have strayed away for whatever reason. God is calling you to return to Him. Come home you prodigal son or daughter. A warm reception awaits you thou lost sheep. Turn back from travelling that road that seems right to you but only leads to destruction. The Lord awaits your return.

The good you seek can only be found in God. The devil only has the counterfeit. Stop letting the devil run your life. There is no life in the devil, only death.

Jesus is the life you need.

Choose life today!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015


  1. Waoh! This is an inspiring writeup. I am particularly blessed by this. I am going back home. God bless you and continue to inspire you more.

    1. I am glad to know. May God strengthen your resolve. It is well.
      I appreciate your feedback.


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