Monday 7 December 2015

Where Do Your Thoughts Lead You?

It is easy to get carried away by the cares/troubles of this world such that you focus on the troubles so much and forget God. Are you in a season of life when your waking thoughts are those of your problems and thoughts of the challenges you face are your sleeping pills?

Then this message is for you. . .

I want to admonish you today, as this year is gradually going to a close to focus on God. As you take account of all the things you have not been able to achieve this year, remember to think about all God has done for you.

I'm not going to tell you not to think about what's going on. My concern is where your thoughts lead you.

Your troubles should push you towards God and not otherwise. Once you know that all things work together for good to them that loved God and are the called according to His purpose, no issue of life will be potent enough to pull you away from God.

Remember who God is. God is good. Let the reality of His person fill your thoughts. Allow yourself to be overtaken by the awesomeness of who God is. He is THE MOST HIGH, THE ALMIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT GOD, THE I AM THAT I AM,  ANCIENT OF DAYS, ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE ONE WHO SHUTS AND NO ONE CAN OPEN, THE ALL-POWERFUL; ALL-KNOWING GOD, THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, JEHOVAH IS HIS NAME. . .

Who is God to you?

Like Paul, today i say-

When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,  the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.
Ephesians 3:14-15 NLT

What about you?

What do you do when trouble comes knocking on your door? What about when it has decided to pitch its tent in your life?

Whatever the situation you are in or may find yourself in the future, resolve to look up to God and not down at your troubles. Turn to Him in worship. Let your heart swell with praise of His Name.

Look up to Him for help. Pray and keep praying until your joy is full. Pray for inner strength. Pray that God will increase your understanding of His ways. . .

. . . Do not seek help from places outside God. Let God be your FIRST point if call at all times. Don't let the created take the place of the Creator in your life.

Let your thoughts always be driven towards God. Think about His greatness and goodness. Fill your being with God’s Words of hope.

Remember, this too shall pass.

May the peace of God that passes human understanding abide with you.

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

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