Thursday 10 December 2015

Who is Your Examiner?

Someone once asked me who told me I was doing my best on a particular ministerial assignment that was assigned to me when I told the fellow that I was putting in my best upon complaints from the person. I simply told that person that I was sure in my spirit that I was doing my portion of the work and that my report sheets were not for her to fill but God Himself.

Yes, as a minister (every Christian is a minister), God is the one you answer to. You are an ambassador for Christ not fellow human beings. Getting God’s approval is what really matters. That means playing according to HIS rules.It is foolishness to look to other candidates like you instead of your examiner for approval. It is greater foolishness to seek to please those fellow candidates instead of the examiner.

Imagine a student in grade 1 who has a sibling in grade 4 doing the sibling's homework instead of hers. That student will definitely miss the marks alloted to that particular homework. It is not in doing much but in doing well that your reward lies.

The voice of men is usually not the voice of God. Gaining the approval of men is not a guarantee of God being pleased with your service. Getting series of accolades from co-labourers like you should be an additional outcome it should not be the reason you are doing what you are doing. Don't be distracted by mere decorations by men. Men can't see beyond their noses. God looks deep into our hearts and measures motives.

Just make sure that you adhere strictly to your condition of service as stated by your employer -God. Check with Him for evaluation of your work.

We all have our specific assignments.
Remember, Paul planted; Apollos watered. . .

What is your assignment?
How well are you doing on it?
Are you poke nosing into another person's assignment instead of concentrating on yours?

Even if you cannot see the fruits now, as long as you are diligently doing what God has entrusted into your hands, you are on the right track. When you please God, people who have the mind of God in them will give their approval of you and those without will disapprove.

God is the examiner- He sets the question, has the marking scheme, does the scoring and gives the reward. Just seek to please Him. C'est fini!

May the Lord help us to diligently seek Him. May we not miss our rewards in Jesus' name.

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

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