Tuesday 29 December 2015

Find Yourself First

One very deadly mistake a single person can make is not to have a sense of direction before entering into the marriage institution. The odds are that you may never find your direction hence never get to fulfill God's purpose for your life. You may get confused by your partner's purpose and start running another man's race. You have been created for a purpose. You are whole. You are not incomplete. What your spouse does is to complement you not complete you. I want you to get this right.

Marriage is a merger of two people with distinct visions. Notice that God didn’t say that two halves will come together to make one as he stated the terms of marriage. He said, "The TWO shall become one". This establishes the fact that two whole people come into marriage to join forces together in the achievement of the individual purposes of God for their lives as well as the purpose of God for bringing them together in marriage.

You are a divine project as a person. Your marriage too is a divine project.

Marriage shouldn't be your ultimate goal in life. Fulfilling God's purpose for your life should be your drive through life. If marriage was the ultimate reason for living, how come Apostle Paul who never married fulfilled God’s purpose for his life and made Jesus proud? How come he said he had finished the race without marriage being included in his journey?

Marriage is a gift from God just like singleness is too. God gives you the one that will aid the fulfillment of your purpose in life. More so, He knows the appropriate time to hand over the gift to you. There is time for everything. It's therefore obvious that a part of your purpose may be tied to your singleness and failure to do that part now may lead to a carry over or a delay in God releasing you to launch out into another phase of life in the form of marriage.

Now that you are single, seek God’s face concerning His purpose for your life in case you do not know what it is just yet. Once you have found it out, take steps towards fulfilling that purpose beginning from NOW. The fulfillment of purpose is not a once off event. It is a continuous process. It is a journey. Run the part of the race now. It will be easier to flow into the other phase of the race.

Your marital status should not in any way hinder you from fulfilling God's purpose for your life.

Find yourself before you begin to look to find a partner or get found (as the case may be).

Look ahead of you and see the sign:

No parking. No waiting.

Start marching towards the fulfillment of your purpose right from now.🚶

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

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