Wednesday 13 January 2016

Free Them and Let Them Be

The subject matter of this post was ministered to me some months ago. Although I just found the highlight in my journal and felt a release to write on it today.

Last night, I was reminded of something a close friend of mine told me sometime ago about a particular woman who is highly placed in a federal government parastatal. With her influence, a number of people secured well paying jobs both in the parastatal she worked in and other strategic places.

You must say, "Wow, how nice of her." Well I said the same thing until I heard the remaining part of the story which made me give a deep thought to my life and drives home the point I'm trying to make with this post.

Well, when her daughter was going to get married, she obviously made a list of her beneficiaries and assigned every single one of them specific obligations. She called each person to inform them about what she expected them to contribute towards the wedding. She picked who was to buy the cow and told him how big the cow must be. She picked the person to pay the caterers, who was to be in charge of the event decoration and so on.

Okay, before we judge this woman, how many of us are guilty of something similar to this? It does not matter the extent to which you have or are taking the captivity. For instance, you help someone and you secretly in your heart expect the person to call you to say "Thank you" everyday.

I have seen many people who practically hold the people they have rendered help captive. I have seen where a benefactor asks the person he helped to report in his house every morning to wash his car. I tell you that the list of the absurd cases is endless.

I know what it means to be a victim. . . so much so you wish that person never was the one who rendered you the assistance.

Please, remember that whatever position you find yourself is simply The Lord's doing. You are simply a vessel in God's hands and He could have chosen to use someone other than you.

Don’t turn yourself to a god in the life of a fellow human being because God gave you the opportunity to be capable of lending a helping hand to that person.

I believe that you being in a position to help someone should be humbling for you. When you help the poor, you lend to God and He will definitely reward you.

Whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord and not because you want something back as a form of payment for what you have done!

I usually pray that God will not allow anyone who will try to share God’s glory to help me and I mean it with all my heart. I guess I should pray the same for you too.

And in case you are in a position where someone is rubbing the help he/she has rendered you in your face, be encouraged.

The Lord will lift your head up high like the horn of a unicorn. For your shame the Lord shall give you double honour in Jesus' name!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2016

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