Friday 8 January 2016

Go and Do Likewise!

The story of a religious expert who stood up to Jesus with the aim of testing Him is recorded in Luke 10:25-36.

This man asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life.

Jesus prescribed the two broad commands- love God; love your neighbour as yourself.

But he still was not satisfied. He asked Jesus who his neighbour was.

Then Jesus narrated the parable of the good Samaritan to Him and left him to figure out who a neighbour is.

Now to the purpose of this post:

Jesus asked the religious law expert to go and act like the good Samaritan to earn himself a ticket to eternal life.

Here's what Apostle Paul told the Corinthians-

PATTERN YOURSELVES after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah). (1 Corinthians 11:1 AMP)

Apostle Paul's admonition was in line with Jesus' prescription to the religious law expert.

Imitate godly virtues you see in others.

Above all, imitate Christ. Strive to behave like God your Father.

God is love and loves unconditionally. . . Love like God loves.

God is merciful. . . Go and show mercy.

God is good. . . Be good

God is kind. . . Be kind

God is holy. . . Be ye holy.

In short,

Let Jesus be your mentor.

Always ask what Jesus would do at every instance, then go and do thou likewise!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2016


Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. God bless you!