Wednesday 27 January 2016

How far?

I wish to challenge someone today: Take your walk with God more seriously. I did not say "work for God". I am talking about your relationship with The Master. I am 
As I write to you today, I write to myself too. Is your relationship with God better than it was before or otherwise? What is the common language heard from you these days? Is it "I used to pray for 5hours at a stretch before; now I can barely pray for 5minutes"? Or, is it "I haven't read my Bible by myself since the beginning of this year. I only read through the text in my devotional every morning"?
It's time to examine ourselves. We are truly in the last days- when the love of many will wax cold. And indeed, it is waxing cold. People are too busy. "We have to struggle to make ends meet. There are several bills to settle with our meagre salary" they say. They go through the day looking for ways to get more money. No time to fellowship with their maker. They return totally exhausted. "My husband is not encouraging me to walk closer to God" is not a tenable excuse. Neither is "my children are a handful".

Don't be carried away by the pleasures of the world. We are pilgrims in this world. Always remember that. Keep eternity in perspective. Don't be weighed down by the pressures of life either.
The cycle goes on and on if you allow it. I am here to remind you that the longer you refuse to charge the battery of your phone, the lesser the power available on it. It's just logical. We were taught the 'law of use and disuse' back in the days. When you utilize a machine, it keeps running. It performs better. Leave it for years and that new machine will become rusty. Some parts begin to wear out. The longer you refuse to do something about your current spiritual state, the colder you become.

Let your heart seek the Lord while He is near. There is no chasing after God once life here on this side is gone. Let your heart long to be with Him. Reconsider your perception when it comes to God today. Today is the day of salvation. Make a decision for God. He really loves fellowshipping with His children. Well, except you are not one anymore. It's time to rise from your slumber. Arise from your fallen state. You have tarried in this valley for too long. It's time to begin climbing up the mountain.
I pray Lord that your fire of revival will fall upon every life that needs revival. Restore unto us the joy of your salvation. Jesus, Light of the world, make our paths shine brighter henceforth. Holy Spirit, we cry out for your help. We have no power of our own. We are coming back to the place of worship. . . In Jesus' Most Precious Name I pray!
OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

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