Saturday 27 June 2015

Just Wondering

Wait, when did you become a stammerer? He is there touching you in an unholy manner and you stand there saying, "Bro Peter, S-T-O-P it now"- sounding like a broken record. Really? I don't get it. First of all, remove that 'bro' from his name. Then use "sharpymycin". Call yourself to order, and flee. This is no time to be sluggish. You need to guard your dignity jealously. I bet it with you, you will regret that you were slow after everything goes down. I was watching a movie recently. In one of the scenes, a married man who had extra-marital affairs with a young lady who was now trying to cut off from the man (after the man's marriage got broken), if he had put a gun to her head to make her sleep with him. Of course, her answer was "No". He called her several names like 'home wrecker" and "whore". The deed was done. No honour was accorded her. She threw her pride away for a few dollars.

I am writing to you dear child of God. Make your stand known to that fellowship unit-head who is trying to take advantage of you. Say "NO" to that boss of yours who is flirting with you and bent on making you break your marriage vows. Severe the communication lines between you and that colleague who is making you commit adultery in your heart. Cut the strings from that so-called fiance of yours who doesn't want to take you to the altar before taking you to bed. You cannot eat your cake and have it. The number of young people who have lost their virginity is alarmingly high. The world is sick and only God can help us live through it as Christians. When it comes to fleeing from sexual sins, Joseph is worthy role-model to imitate. Learn of him.

Don't trade your destiny for a morsel of bread. Don't yield to temptation all because of an appointment/promotion letter. Don't build your marriage on a cursed foundation by committing sexual sins with your fiance. Don't allow the devil rob you of your dignity. Nothing is worth loosing the good name God has given you for.

Choose a good reputation over great riches;
being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. (Proverbs 22:1)

A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. (Ecclesiastes 7:1a)

Per adventure you've lost your dignity (partially or fully), God is saying, "Come!" Repent of your ungodly ways. Turn away from that route. Don't follow the ways of the world. Decide to keep yourself pure, holy unto The LORD. For your shame, God will give you double honour (if you truly repent).

In conclusion,

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12: 1-2).

God bless you as you decide to abide by the laws of God in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Temptation Is A Team Sport

Do you think about you and your spouse as being on the same team when it comes to sexual temptation? Very rarely does a husband or wife even discuss how they are tempted sexually unless one of them catches the other in the act: sending flirtatious texts to a coworker, watching something sexually explicit, reconnecting with an old flame on Facebook, or lying about why you were late coming home from the office.

Regardless of which of you is tempted, when you are a team, you'll begin to see it as your problem together as a couple.
Because of the shame and feelings of rejection associated with sexual temptations, most people keep it a secret from their spouse. That compounds the problem and causes an even greater divide. I don't mean that a wife should take responsibility for her husband's purity or vice versa. However, when sexual sin and temptation hits one of you, it affects both of you. Satan will use pornography, inappropriate emotional attachments, and other forms of temptation to further divide you if he can define your spouse as "the problem" or "the enemy." As long as you're fighting each other, you cannot stand together.

So how do you become a team? Here are a few strategies:

First, you have to learn to communicate to each other without judgment. Over the years, my husband and I have learned to ask each other questions like, "How are you doing? Are you struggling with (specific temptations we have shared in the past)? Is there anything I can do to help you focus on us?" Initially, this can be a difficult conversation but it's critical to becoming a team. We don't ask these questions because we are paranoid, but because we know the reality of marriage.

Second, you play defense together. Where is your marriage vulnerable? What needs do you have that are not being met, leaving you open to temptation? How can you put up "walls" or "hedges" to protect against temptation?

Third, play offense together. Don't just wait for temptation to attack your marriage. Work on your sexual and romantic relationship so that you do not leave room for the enemy to attack. Christian marriages are far more vulnerable to sexual temptation when there is no romantic adventure or sexual excitement.
How are you doing “fighting as a team?” Talk together about how you can support each other in the temptations you face.

Friday 26 June 2015

Rice and Carrot

When carrots are available in abundance, have a field day with them!

¤ Pasta and Beefy Sauce ¤

-Pasta (300g)
-Firm tomatoes (2large)
-Bell peppers (2 large)
-Scotch bonnet (1 small)
-Onions (1 large)
-Vegetable oil
-Chopped Vegetable (ugwu and carrots) (1cup)
-Margarine (1tbs)
-Corned beef (3/4cup)
-Seasoning cube (1)

Mary's Method

* Cook your pasta with water just enough to cover the pasta, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, about 1/8cup chopped onions and salt to taste, till soft.

* While pasta is cooking, dice your peppers and onions. Chop the vegetable too.

* Place a saucepan on low heat. Add 1/4 cup of vegetable oil and 1 tbs of margarine. Once the oil is hot, pour in the peppers and onions. Stir-fry for 4minutes. Pour in the corned beef. Allow to cook for 3minutes. Pour in the vegetables and the seasoning cube. Allow to simmer for 5minutes.

* Serve hot with sliced boiled egg.


#MARY's Kitchen 

¤ Vegetable Soup ¤

-Chopped Vegetable (Ugwu:3cups; water leaf:1cup)
-Cow skin
-Crayfish (whole and ground)
-Dry cat-fish
-Boiled Assorted meat
-Palm oil (1/4cup)
-Onions (2.5 moderate sized)
-Scotch bonnet(2-3)
-Red bell pepper (4)
-Seasoning cube
-Desired spices (for boiling the beef or chicken)

MARY's Method

*Wash and blend the peppers with one of the onions into a thick paste.

*Boil the beef/chicken with a seasoning cube, 1/2tsp salt, desired spices and 1/2 of an onion; with very little or no water added until almost tender.

*Wash the stockfish, crayfish, pomo, and set apart. De-bone the dry fish, wash and shred.

*Add the blended pepper paste. Add the remaining onion (finely chopped), stock fish. Boil for another five minutes. Add half of the palm oil, the pomo, assorted meat, crayfish and dry fish. Allow to cook for 5minutes. Add 1tbs ground crayfish. Pour in the vegetable and the remaining palm oil. Add salt if necessary. Allow to simmer for 5minutes on low heat.

*Serve with your favourite swallow (semo, gari or like me, pounded yam)


~MARY's Kitchen

¤ Coleslaw ¤

-Cabbage (1 small sized)
-Carrots (3 large sized)
-Finely chopped onions (1/8 cup) (I sometimes go without the onion)
-Mayonnaise (4tbs)
-Green small pepper (1small sized)
-Salad cream (4tbs)
-Cucumber (1 small sized)
-Sweet corn (1/2 cup)
-Green peas (1/2 cup)
-Sugar (1/4tsp)
-Salt (a pinch)
-You could add Kidney beans, . . .

MARY's Method

*Finely slice the cabbage leaves. Wash with clean water and drain in a sieve.

*Wash the carrots and scrap the outer surface carefully with a knife. Shred the carrots with a grater.

*Wash and dice the cucumber. You can peel if you prefer not to eat the peel.

*Wash and de-seed the bell pepper. Dice into very small dices.

*Mix the vegetables properly. Place in the refrigerator to chill.

*Mix the mayonnaise, salad cream, salt and sugar in a separate bowl and refrigerate.

*Add the cream to your vegetable mix when you're ready to serve.
You could serve as a dish on its own or as a side dish alongside rice, fries, etc


~MARY's Kitchen

Drop Peanut Cookie

Same recipe with the peanut treat. . .

But with half cup more flour. . .

And baked on baking sheets.


MARY's Kitchen

¤ MK's Peanut Treat ¤

I created this simple peanut treat some days ago. It's a yummy dessert. I hope you like it.

* Flour (2cups)
* Milk (.5 cup)
* Unsalted butter (.5 cup)
* Egg (1)
* Sugar (.75 cup)
* Ground roasted peanut (1 cup)
* Baking powder (1tsp)
* Crunchy peanut butter

Mary's Method
- Preheat oven to 170 degree celsius

- Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy.

- Whisk the egg. Add the milk and mix. Pour into the butter-sugar mix and mix together.

- Pour in the ground peanut and mix.

- Sift the flour and baking powder together. Fold the flour into mixture to form a runny batter. Be careful not to over-mix.

- Spoon into muffin cups (about half way full). Gently create a hole in the middle and pipe in about 0.5-1 tbs crunchy peanut butter.

- Bake for 10-15 minutes or until skewer comes out clean from the sides.

- Serve warm.


»MARY's Kitchen«

¤ Offal Pepper Soup ¤

Here's one of my favourite appetisers. . .

- Beef Offals (shaki, liver, kidney, roundabout, heart, etc) (350g)
- Ground peppersoup ingredient (I prefer to pick out the ingredients by myself and then grind e.g 6-8 calabash nutmegs(roasted and decoated) +8pieces negro pepper+1tbs aligator pepper+ small sized dry ginger root)
- Scotch bonnet (1-2)
- Onion
- Scent leave
- Salt
- Seasoning

MARY's Method

* Wash the offals thoroughly (For the roundabout, make sure you turn inside out to allow for proper washing).

* Cook the shaki in the pot for about 10 mins first (since it is usually tougher than other parts). Add the other parts and add water just enough to cover the assorted meat. Add the onion and scotch bonnet (finely chopped or ground in blender), 2tbs pepper soup ingredient, seasoning and salt to taste. Allow to boil for about 7minutes.

* Serve hot.


»MARY's Kitchen«

+Pepper soup ingredient photo source: internet.

¤ Scones ¤

If you don't like sweet pastries, this is for you. I love it too.

-2cups Plain Flour
-1tbsp baking powder
-4tbsp cold butter (or margarine)
-2 eggs
-5tbsp Milk

MARY's Method
* Preheat the oven to 220 celsius. Lightly butter a baking sheet.

* Sift the flour and baking powder together.

* Rub in the butter or margarine using your finger tips or pastry cutter- till you get a crumb-like mixture.

* Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture, add 1 egg and the milk, and mix to a soft dough using a round bladed knife (or your hands of course)

* Turn out the scone dough to a floured surface and knead VERY LIGHTLY until smooth.

* Roll out the dough to about a 2cm thickness and cut into circles (10-12) with a 5cm plain or fluted cutter dipped in flour. (You can improvise with round plastics with sharp edges)

* Transfer to the baking sheet. Beat the other egg. Brush the scones with the egg and bake for about 8minutes or until risen.

* Serve warm with butter or jam (by splitting the scones).


»MARY's Kitchen«

¤ Akara ¤

What's for breakfast?

- 2 cups Black eyed cowpea
- 3 Red bell peppers
- 1 Scotch bonnet
- 2 Large onions
- Seasoning
- Salt
- Vegetable oil

MARY's Method
* Peel the beans. Blend with the peppers and 1 onion. Make sure not to add too much water while blending; just enough to keep the grinder/blender running.

* Chop the other onion finely and pour into the paste. Add the seasoning and salt to taste. Stir continously for 7-10minutes.

* Heat up the oil. You can check if the oil is ready for frying by spooning about 1tsp of the past into the hot oil. If it floats immediately, the oil is hot enough.

* Fry the akara on low heat till golden brown. Gently spoon the paste into the oil. Don't load the oil with too much per time. 

* Serve with pap or oatmeal.


»MARY's Kitchen«

¤ Banana Bread ¤

Instead of the regular bread for breakfast, why not try this recipe? You can serve it without bread spreads.

It's so delicious and of course, nutrituous!

-11/3 cups Plain flour
-1/3 cup Wholemeal flour
-21/4 tsp Baking powder
-1/3 tsp Salt
-3/4 tsp Cinnamon (optional)
-5 tbsp Butter
-1/2 cup Sugar
-3/4 tsp Grated lemon rind
-3 ripe Bananas (marshed)
-2 Eggs (beaten)

MARY's Method

*Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Grease and flour a 21 x 12cm loaf tin (pan)

* Sift the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, if using, into a bowl.

* In another bowl, combine the butter with the sugar and grated lemon rind. Beat thoroughly until light and fluffy.

* Add the mashed bananas and egg. Mix well. Add the dry ingredients. Blend quickly and evenly.

* Spoon into the loaf tin. Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.

* Allow bread to cool in the tin for 5 minutes. Turn out on a wire rack to cool completely. Slice


»MARY's Kitchen

¤ Water Yam Balls ¤

I really don't enjoy eating water yam. If you're like me, here's a good way of transforming the water yam into a delicious dish. I learnt this from a dear mother some years back.

- 5 slices Water yam
- 1/2 cup Flakes Markerel
- 1/4 Finely chopped onion
- Chilli pepper or finely chopped scotch bonnet to taste
- 1/2 cup Flour
- Spices
- 1 cube Seasoning cube
- 1 big Egg
- Vegetable oil 
- Salt

MARY's Method
* Boil the water yam in salted water till tender.

* Beat the egg with desired spices and seasoning cube. Set apart.

* Drain the yam. Marsh the cooked yam with a mortar and pestle. Mix in the chilli pepper, ground crayfish (if using) and flaked mackerel.

* Mould into smooth balls (or any other shape). Roll in flour (make sure the yam is totally covered with the flour).

* Roll the floured yam in the egg mixture. Allow to stay for about 4minutes. Place vegetable oil in pot (for deep frying) on low heat.

* Fry the yam balls in the hot oil for 3 minutes or until golden brown.

* Serve hot with a glass of milk or chilled juice.


©2015 ~MARY's Kitchen~ 

Banana Pancake

Just like the plantain pancakes. . .

¤ Plantain Pancakes ¤

This is ideal for breakfast or dinner. I can bet you'll love it.

- 2 large Plantains (ripe)
- 1 cup All purpose flour
- 1 cup Wholemeal flour
- 1 tsp Chilli pepper
- 1 tsp Baking powder
- 2 Eggs
- 1/6 cup Sugar
- 2 cups milk
- Vegetable oil or melted margarine/butter

MARY's Method
* Sift the flour and baking powder into a dry bowl. Add the chilli pepper.

* Puree the plantains with 1 cup milk and sugar in a blender till smooth.

* Beat the eggs.

* Pour the plantain puree, remaining milk and egg into the bowl of flour. Mix together carefully with a spoon or ladle to avoid lumps in the mixture.

* Turn up your heat to low heat. Allow your non-stick frying pan to warm up. Grease with the vegetable oil (make sure to pour out excess oil from pan). Pour 1-2 cooking spoons into the pan. Turn round gently till the batter covers the base of your pan. Allow to fry on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Flip over the pancake to the other side to allow it to fry too. Remove from heat once it's golden brown.

* Serve warm with a glass of chilled juice or hot beverage.


©2015 ~MARY's Kitchen~

¤ Veggie Bean Cake ¤

A little twist to your Bean cake. Add some vegetables to it. . .

* 2 cups Black eyed cowpea
* 2 Onions + 1/2 Finely chopped onion
* 2 large Red bell peppers
* 1 Scotch bonnet
* 1 cup Ugwu (washed and  chopped)
* Boiled Fish (deboned and flaked; keep stock for mixing the paste)
* 2 tbs ground crayfish
* 3/4 cup corned beef
* Boiled eggs
* 1 Egg (raw)
* 3/4 cup Vegetable oil
* Seasoning
* Salt

MARY's Method

» Soak and peel the cowpea. Blend with the onion, peppers(de-stalked and washed) and vegetable. Pour into a mixing bowl.

» Beat the egg. Add it to the bean paste. Add the fish stock, seasoning, chopped onion, and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly. Add salt to taste. Add the fish, crayfish, and corned beef. Continue to mix for about 5 minutes (this helps aerate the paste)

» Pour required quantity into your leaf, nylon or cups. Drop one boiled egg each in the container. Steam for about 30 minutes.


~MARY's Kitchen~

Pizza- My Way

So, I decided to take a risk with my pizza. I chose not to use my regular tomato paste. Instead I went for my salad dressing.

. . . Yes, I did it.
. . . And it tasted good
Well, that means more calorie but I didn't really mind since it's a once in a while affair or do you?

¤ Coconut Rice ¤

Try out some coconut rice in place of your regular jollof rice. I've got two plates here. Pick yours. Lol

Always remember to add some vegetables to your meals.

Eat healthy, Stay healthy!

* 1 large coconut
* 2 cups Rice
* 11/2 cups (generous) Boiled mackerel (Deboned and shredded into large chunks, keep stock)
* 1/2-1 cup Carrots (diced)
* Seasoning cube
* Curry and thyme
* 1/2 cup green, yellow or red peppers (or a combination)
* 1/4 cup chopped Onions
* 1 Scotch bonnet (minced)
* 1/2 cup Vegetable oil (+ 2tsps for stirfrying)
* Salt to taste

MARY's Method

» Cut your coconut into pieces and blend with some water in a high powered blender. Pour into a saucepan and bring to boil. Sift and keep the liquid.

» Partially boil rice with a little water.

» Pour the coconut milk into a pot. Add seasonings scotch bonnet, stock, and vegetable oil. Bring to boil and pour in the rice. Check for salt.

» While rice is cooking, pour peppers, onions and carroy in a frying pan. Add 2 tsp oil and stir fry.

» When the rice is ready, pour your peppers, carrot and fish. Allow to steam for about 2 minutes.

» Your coconut rice is ready.


~MARY's Kitchen~


¤ Plantain Boats ¤

Here's a creative way to serve your plantains. I hope you love the sight and of course the taste, as much as everyone in my house did!


* 4 Large Plantains (ripe but firm)
* Vegetable Oil for deep frying
* 2 tbsp Margarine
* 11/4 cup diced Carrots
* 3/4 cup chopped Peppers
* 1 scotch bonnet (minced)
* 1/3Tomatoes
* 1/2 cup chopped Onions
* 3/4 cup finely shredded Chicken
* Seasonings
* Salt to taste

MARY's Method

» Peel the plantain. Cut in half and then cut each half into two( cutting right through the middle this time). Gently make a well across the centre of each piece. Deep fry till golden brown and drain oil off.

» Stir-fry the vegetables and peppers (using the margarine and seasoning). Add in the chicken.

» Gently spoon the stir-fry into the well made at the centre of the plantain.

» Serve warm.


MARY's Kitchen


¤ Jollof Rice ¤

I know there are several methods of cooking jollof rice.

Here's one of the methods I've adopted.

- 2 cups Rice
- 4 medium sized Tomatoes
- Stock (beef or chicken)
- 2 large Bell peppers
- 1 Scotch bonnet
- 1 large onion + 1 small for ganishing
- 1/4 cup Vegetable oil
- 2 tbs Margarine
- Spices (curry, thyme)
- 1 Seasoning cube
- Salt

MARY's Method

* Blend the 3 tomatoes, bell peppers, scotch bonnet and 3/4 of the onion.

* Dice the remaining onion. Fry the blended pepper with the oil, salt and diced onion for about 4 minutes in a pot.

* Add water to the sauce. Add the stock, margarine, seasoning, and spices. Bring to boil. Wash your rice, drain and pour into the boiling sauce.

* Once rice is cooked, pour the sliced onion into the pot and allow to simmer for about 4 minutes on low heat. (You can add carrots at this point, if you desire) Your jollof rice is ready.

* Enjoy 

~MARY's Kitchen


Thursday 25 June 2015

¤ Oatmeal Buttermilk Muffins ¤

This is a healthy way to start your day. This treat can also serve as a snack at any time of the day.


-1cup Rolled oats
-1cup Flour (plain)
-1cup Buttermilk
-1/2cup Butter
-1/2cup Sugar
-1 Egg
-1tsp Baking powder
-1/4tsp Bicarbonate of soda
-1/8tsp Salt
-1/4cup Raisins

MARY's Method

* Combine the oats and buttermilk in a bowl. Leave to soak for 1 hour

*Preheat the oven to 200 degree celsius.

* Cream the butter and sugar with an electric mixer, until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg.

* In another bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbobate of soda. Stir the dry ingredient into the butter mixture, alternating with the oat mixture. Fold in the raisins. (Do not overmix, we don't want tough and rubbery muffins)

* Fill greased muffin cups or paper cases two-thirds full.

* Bake until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean, 20-25 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.


~MARY's Kitchen

¤ Oaty Coconut Cookies ¤

I simply love coconut incorporated recipes. This is not left out. This cookies have a great texture. Thank God for creating the coconut. I hope you love it too.


-2cups Cooking oats
-1cup Dessicated coconut (unsweetened)
-1cup Butter
-3/4cup Superfine sugar
-2 Eggs
-4tbsp Milk
-11/2tsp Vanilla extract
-1cup Flour (sifted)
-1/2tsp Bicarbonate of soda
-1/4tsp Salt
-1tsp Ground cinnamon

MARY's Method

*Preheat oven to 200 degree celsius.

*Spread the oat and coconut on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

* Cream the butter and sugar. Beat in the eggs, milk and vanilla. Fold in the dry ingredients and the baked oat-coconut mixture.

* Drop spoonfuls of mixture on to two greased baking sheets.

*Bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.


~MARY's Kitchen

¤ Corn Cups ¤

O my my! I love this. You should try it.


-1 Egg
-1/2cup Milk
-1tbsp Vegetable oil
-1 scant cup Cornmeal
-1/2cup Flour (all-purpose)
-2tsp Baking powder
-3tbsp Sugar

MARY's Method

*Preheat oven to 190 degree celsius

*Beat the egg in a small bowl. Stir in the milk and vegetable oil. Set mixture aside.

*Stir cornmeal, flour, baking powder and sugar in a mixing bowl. Pour in the egg mixture and stir with a wooden spoon to combine.

*Spoon the mixture into baking cups. Bake until a skewer inserted in the centre. Comes out clean, about 25-30 minutes.

*Serve warm. (Enjoyable when cool too).


~MARY's Kitchen

Beef Curry Sauce

A little variation from the chicken curry sauce previously posted. . .


MARY's Kitchen

¤ Chicken Curry Sauce ¤

I can bet it with you that you will enjoy ditching your red stew for this at least once in a while. The flavour is spectacular. And the taste? Short of the right adjective. I'll leave you to be the judge.


* 2 cups diced boneless Chicken 
* 1 generous cup Coconut Milk
* 2 Seasoning Cubes
* 2/3 cup Sweet potatoes (boiled and diced)
*2 tbs Vegetable oil
* 2tbs Butter
* 1/2-1 cup sliced carrots
* 1/2 cup chopped ugwu leaves
*1/2 cup chopped onions
* 2-3tbs curry (depending on the brand you use)
* Salt to taste

MARY's Method

- Put the vegetable oil in a pan and pour in the onions and chicken. Cook lightly, tossing around in the pan constantly, till the chicken is golden brown.

- Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the curry and mix properly. Pour the coconut milk into the saucepan. Add the sauteed chicken mix and potatoes. Add the seasoning ingredient. Cook for about 25 minutes and add in the vegetables. Add salt to taste. Allow to cook for another 5 minutes.  (Hope you can wait for the sauce to get ready before eating, the aroma is tempting)

- Serve with white rice (see me with your cheque for my rice recipe. Lol).

- Enjoy!

~MARY's Kitchen 

¤ Pankara ¤

Nothing stops you from eating your akara even if you don't like oily foods. You can try out this method. Hope you like it.

- 2 cups Black eyed cowpea
- 3 Red bell peppers
- 1 Scotch bonnet
- 2 Large onions
- 1/2 cup chopped Ugwu leaves (optional)
- 2 Eggs
- Seasoning
- Salt
- Vegetable oil

MARY's Method
* Peel the beans. Blend with the vegetables, peppers and 1 onion. Make sure not to add too much water while blending; just enough to keep the grinder/blender running.

* Beat in the egg into the bean paste. Chop the other onion finely and pour into the paste. Add the seasoning and salt to taste. Stir continuously for 7-10minutes.

* Heat up your frying pan. Put about 2-3 tablespoons of oil in the pan and pour in about 2 cooking spoons of the bean paste into the pan. Allow to cook on low heat for about 3 minutes. Turn over to the other side and allow to cook for another 2 minutes until both sides are golden brown in colour.


»MARY's Kitchen« 

¤ Baby's Potato Porridge ¤

Something for your little one. . .

- 1/2 cup diced sweet potato (yellow flesh)
-1/3 cup diced irish potato
- 1/4 Flaked sardine
-2 tsp Ground crayfish
-1 tsp Butter
-1tsp Vegetable oil
-Salt (to taste)

MARY's Method

* Boil the potatoes till soft in about 3/4 cup water. Add in the sardine (I prefer to use sardine because of the soft bone for calcium) and allow to simmer for about 3 minutes.

* Blend the potato and sardine. (I prefer to blend because of the fibre in sweet potato).

* Pour the  paste into a saucepan. Add the crayfish and butter. Add salt to taste ( a pinch might be enough if using salted butter). Allow to simmer for about 4 minutes.

* Serve warm.

~ Enjoy!

MARY's Kitchen