Saturday 31 October 2015

¤ Baked Yam Slices ¤

This is a creative yam recipe. . .


*Fresh African yam 550g (About 6 regular round pieces)
*Fresh Eggs (4)
*Chopped vegetable of choice (2 cups) »I used ugwu, onion and peppers
*Salt to taste
*Seasoning cube (1)
*Cornedbeef (1 cup)
*Melted butter(¼ cup)
*Milk(¼ cup)
*Other seasonings of choice
* Utensils Baking dish or muffin pan

Mary's Method

-Place the cut and washed yams in a pot of salted water. Cook until tender (time required will vary based on new Vs old yam). Drain off excess water.

While the yam is cooking,

Season the chopped vegetables with salt, pepper and any other spices you prefer. Set in the fridge

Whisk the eggs. Mix in the milk, seasoning cube, salt, other seasonings and spices. Add in the corned beef. Set in the fridge

Set your oven to 200 C

- Mash up the cooked yam. Seasoning with salt and pepper. Add in the melted butter, egg mix and vegetables mix. combine

-Generously grease your baking dish or muffin pan.  Pour the yam batter into the bakeware.

-Bake for 30-40 minutes (yam is done when toothpick insert comes out clean). Remove from oven and set aside to cool.
Serve with chilled fresh juice or enjoy as breakfast on the go.

(Inspired by NaijaFoodie)

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