Sunday 11 October 2015

Woman, Arise!

I woke up with a burden for a woman here today. I don't know who this message is for but I know you are here.

And this is about your current spiritual state. You seem to have resigned to fate that it is impossible to be on fire for the Lord again as you were sometime ago. I really don't know what may have creeped into your life and brought with it lukewarmness- maybe marriage, children, job, and maybe aging.

The factors do not matter. What matters is your displeasure with the current. Position you are in. Your desire for a change is what is of essence.

You know, I was also slipping into the sleep mode at a point when I got busier. I had so much to handle at the same time and I was overwhelmed by the events in my life. Until an awakening came from the throne of grace and I wasn't comfortable with my dwindling worship. I wanted more. My heart longed for God. That could have been a longing placed in me by The Holy Spirit. Gradually the fire was being restored as I fanned the fire to flame through worship, prayer and study of the Word. The fire may not come "gboof" at once so patiently allow for the build up of your most holy faith.

I have good news for you today. Even in the midst of the busyness that has dampened your spiritual vigour, you can be fired up again. And your wine can get better with age- it should actually. It can get hotter as you go higher too instead of cooler. I know that people say that a woman's Christian life will be more difficult to maintain as many things wrestle for her time. But that's not what God desires for you. And it doesn't have to be that way either.

You need to shuffle your priorities correctly and make sure that your priorities are properly set- putting God in the first place. You live for God and not for your marriage, job, children or career. God needs your desire for the fresh fire and trust in Him. He'll rain on you; restoring you to your first love. This is God's desire for you. The arm of flesh can not achieve this. Simply come boldly before the throne of grace for mercy at this time of need. God is waiting for you. He says, "Come!"

It can happen for you. Only if you believe.

May the revival fire of the Lord descend mightily upon you today in Jesus' powerful name! (Amen!)

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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