Monday 12 October 2015

Don't Be Selfish With Prayers

I have noticed a trend with congregational prayers over the years as I grew up in Church. Usually, when the person leading the prayer session asks the Church to pray for a brother or sister with an issue, he has to do a whole lot of work trying to motivate the brethren to pray for that person. Just let the prayer leader ask that people pray for themselves and you will begin to wonder if you are still in the same congregation or not. The zeal with which many people pray for themselves is usually overwhelmingly powerful compared to that with which they pray for others.

True or false?

I have been confirmed guilty as charged on some occasions too. So you are not alone if you're guilty too.

However, God desires that we do not think of ourselves only. He wants us to engage in prayers of intercession for people around us. He wants us to pray for brethren in the house of faith. He wants us to pray for the lost souls. He wants us to pray for the backsliding Christians. He wants us to pray for His servants- the ministers. He wants us to pray for those with health issues, the oppressed, the needy, the sorrowful, . . . The list is practically endless.

So, when last did you declare a fast concerning someone else's issue, whether the person is aware or not? When last did you wake in the middle of the night solely to pray for a sister or brother?

Let us develop the attitude of praying for others with all our hearts. Ask God to place the burden for others on your heart. He might reveal to you about someone in problem or at the verge of being a victim. Don't let the opportunity to stand in the gap pass you by. It is definitely rewarding. God will definitely reward your labour of love. Like Apostle Paul, cultivate the habit of praying for others.

God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about his Son. (Romans 1:9)

Love your neighbour as yourself!

Who is your next recipient of intercessory prayers?

Get to it now!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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