Friday 2 October 2015

What is God's Chosen Path for You?

I will be focusing on the Book of Romans this month although I may share any other thing laid on my heart as the month unfolds. Come along with me. . . Let's start from the very beginning. . .

"This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News. . ." (Romans 1:1 NLT)

I have had the opportunity to speak with a lot of people who live their lives without any sense of direction. They are the ones who are driven around by every advice. They are like trees with surface roots. Their foundation is shallow so it is easy to get them over to any side you wish. These people don't know what their career path is. Neither do they understand what they should really be in the body of Christ. They live their lives by chance and believe in luck.
Apostle Paul knew who he was. He knew who his Master was. And he knew the assignment he had been given.

Do you know who you are?
What have you been chosen to do in life?
Was what you are engaged in now chosen for you by God or yourself?

Do you know what would happen to someone who writes an exam with another person's particulars? He will definitely not get the reward. It is important to save yourself the waste of your time. Ask God to show you the path He has chosen for you. He created you and knows all about you- past, present and future. Ask Him for the grace to understand the times and seasons of your life.

You are a product of design and not of chance my friend. You are unique in every way. Your life's journey, path and timing are all peculiar to you. Stop running another man's race.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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