Wednesday 14 October 2015

Encouragement: A- 2-way Street

 You are in the life of people around you for a reason. When you find yourself with someone in dire need of encouragement, don't hesitate to encourage that person. Don't add salt to their injury with your words if you have no cure for the pain. Give them all the support you can give (spiritual and physical). Don't turn a blind eye to their pain.

Speak edifying words to such a person. Sympathise with such a person. Better still, empathise with the person. Show that you care about what he/she is going through. Lend a listening ear to that person. Prayerfully support the person as the Holy Spirit guides you to. It is your duty to encourage such a person to hold on to God. Remind that person about God’s promises.

The same way you are there to encourage others, there will be  times when you will need others to survive certain periods/seasons of your life. As much as it is good to encourage yourself in the Lord, it is okay to seek help when the need arises for external support. God has not made us to be lone rangers. No one is an island. Even the high and mighty sometimes need support. When these times come, don't hesitate to pull out your lifelines. There is no need to die under pressure just because you don't want people to know you are down. Get off your high horse and tap into the ready made provision of support God has made available for you through others instead of struggling alone.

Anyone who does not have at least someone to encourage him/her is truly alone. . . For two are better than one. You need a trusted friend in your life for such a time as this.

Hear Apostle Paul:

When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.
(Romans 1:12 NLT)

I must note here that it is not compulsory that the people you encourage will be the same to encourage you when you need encouragement, so be open to the dynamism of encouragement.

There is the place for encouraging others and there is the place of being encouraged by others. You shouldn't be on one side of the divide. Be an encouragement to others and allow yourself to be encouraged by others.

- OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

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