Friday 2 October 2015

Who is Jesus to You?

Jesus Christ asked His disciples two pertinent questions about His identity.

 “Who do people say I am?” . . . “But who do you say I am?”(Mark 8:27, 29)

It is one thing to have an idea of who someone is through the experience of another person. Having a personal encounter with this someone however, could change your orientation about the person or affirm the claims of the other person(s).

The claims of the people about Jesus were mere assumptions. They saw Him from afar and had certain mindsets about Him. These assumptions were not the fact about Him though. I believe that the proximity of Apostle Peter to Jesus informed his understanding of who Jesus truly is. He walked with The Lord and his eyes of understanding were opened.

Jesus declared blessings on Peter because he allowed himself to be taught of The Lord Himself. He was a disciple of Jesus and not of some human being with great intellectual knowledge. He walked in the spirit and not in the flesh. To face the fact, who else can know someone better than his own spirit? Apostle Peter did not stay of the level of hearsays. The deep called upon the deep of his soul and he reached out to connect with who Jesus truly is.

Remember those two questions at the beginning of this text? I hear Jesus asking you the same today?

Who is Jesus to you? Does it sync with what you have heard about him from your pastor, friends or colleagues? Have you had a personal encounter with Him? And are you very sure that you know God on a personal level?

If you must stand the test of time, you must have first-hand knowledge of who Jesus is. Your pastors' knowledge of Him cannot save you. Just like it is not possible that person A eats all the food and person B gets the nourishment, the faith of another person can not sustain you on your Christian pilgrimage. You need to grow your own faith. You need to know who you believe. You need your own testimony of Him.

Develop a relationship with the Lord through prayer and study of His Words in the Bible. Seek to know Him and He will reveal who He is to you. If you seek Him, you will find Him.

". . .and he was shown to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus Christ our Lord. . ." (Romans 1:4)

Jesus Christ is my Lord. Is He yours too?

If He is not yet your Lord or you are not sure about who He is, I invite you to come to Him today. He loves you and wants you to know Him for who is- the saviour, your saviour. Ask Him to take over your life today. Accept His proposal to you for a love relationship- the best decision any man could ever make in this life.


~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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