Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sow Seeds of Prayers

Pray without ceasing. There's so much to pray about. Let The Holy Spirit direct you in prayers. He makes intercessions for us. He is the One that can teach us to pray. He stirs up our hearts to pray ahead. Don't wait for things to get muddled up before you pray concerning those issues.

It is true that you're not yet married or even in a relationship just yet but it's never too early to pray concerning your marriage. Pray that you will marry right. Pray that God will give you a man after his heart as your husband. Pray for wisdom needed to build your future home. Pray that God will equip you for the ministry of marriage. Pray that you will not fail in your marriage. Pray that your marriage will bring glory to the name of the Lord. Pray against every plan of the devil concerning your marriage. Pray. . .

It is also true that you have not gotten married. It is not too early to pray for your children yet to be conceived/born. Envision what you want your children to be like and talk to God about it. Pray concerning their gestational period. Pray for their schooling seasons. Pray they won't choose the wrong career path. Pray they will be pillars in the house of God. Pray that they will be taught of The Lord. Pray that they will not be victims of evil circumstances. Pray that they will give you joy. Pray that they will marry right. . .

Why talk about the job I'll be doing in five years time you ask. Pray concerning it. Pray for favour. Pray you won't pick up the wrong job.

Pray concerning your business plans. Pray that God will open doors of opportunities for you. Pray that your business will be excellent. Pray that you will not suffer loss. . .

Keep praying as The Holy Spirit lays it on your heart. Pray ahead of time. We are admonished to keep asking until our joy is full. How about you ask early? Sow prayers into your tomorrow!

May the Lord attend to our prayers in Jesus' name.

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