Saturday 28 March 2015

Maybe It's Not Your Fault

Usually, when men decide to stray out of their marriages and back down on their marriage vows, the next thing people say is, "Woman, you must have driven him out by yourself." They go on to say that it must be because she is not patient with him enough. Or that maybe she is not dressing properly or that she has grown fat. Some even assume that it must be because she is not sexually exciting.

Alright, let's face the fact. It is true that some women could be involved in doing some things that could lead to the man wanting to seek solace outside his home. I still want to say categorically that some women cannot be held responsible. Some women actually bend over backward just to please their husbands. They do the 'monkey banana pose' (don't even ask me what that means). They are busy from morning till morning, all in a bid to please these husbands. They won't talk back at their husbands. In short, these women are just near perfect. But their husbands still cheat. Now whose fault is that?

Yes, do a proper scrutiny. Check yourself through the eyes of God. I mean, let the Holy Spirit examine you. Once He passes you, you are free from guilt. Stop taking the blame for what you are not even responsible for. All you can do for him is to pray for him. And keep doing the good that you have been doing. Protect yourself. Love him. He needs help. Believe that God will bring him back home. But please, don't kill yourself before he returns.

I pray for every family where a spouse is into adultery, that God will heal these homes in Jesus' name. Father, help the cheating spouses retrace their steps home. Help them repent from their sins. Help them seek to honour You by keeping to their marriage vows. Let every spell be broken. Let peace be restored. Let Your love for each other be deeply sitted in their hearts. Help the cheated spouse forgive the spouse who is cheating. Let there be divine restoration in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Wednesday 25 March 2015

God's Timing

God's plan for His Son, Jesus is ordered. Everything happened at the exact time God had purposed. Nothing happened before or after the purposed timing of God. Many Bible references support this. Jesus Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners, when we were completely helpless. It was at God's time, the right time, that God sent Jesus to the world. (See Romans 5:6, Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10, 1Timothy 2:6 and 1Timothy 6:15.

Jesus was not even going to die before the appointed time. They tried to get Him arrested but no one was able to. Why? His time had not yet come. He successfully slipped away from the grip of those who wanted to hurt Him at that time (see John 7:30). However, when His time came, they didn't even have to struggle to get Him. Everything just fell in place. His betrayer was at work at the right time. Everything occurs just at the proper time. God knows why this timing is important and someday, we will understand.

We must trust God's timing for our lives. Let's look at some instances in The Bible where timing was of great essence.

* Pharaoh was tormenting the Israelites. God showed up for the Israelites by bringing different plagues upon the land of Egypt. Despite the pain, agony and anguish the Egyptians were going through, Pharaoh did not bulge. He would not give up on frustrating the Israelites. The simple reason for this was that God was not yet done showing His great power to the enemies of His people and the Israelites themselves. God has a purpose for everything.

But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. . .When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” (Exodus 7:3,5)
The LORD had said to Moses, “The king will continue to refuse to listen to you, in order that I may do more of my miracles in Egypt.” (Exodus 11:9 GNT)

* Lazarus' story (in John 11) is another story that clearly shows how important timing is to God. Jesus received the news about Lazarus' illness. His two sisters, Mary and Martha had sent word to Him. They expected Him to come right away and heal their brother. Jesus however did not go at that time. He waited two more days before going to see them. There was a greater miracle in the pipeline. God's glory was to be revealed in a bigger way than just healing the sick. God was going to reveal His resurrection power. It was an opportunity to build up His disciples' faith. I am sure they must have seen several sick people being healed by Jesus Christ. But you don't see the dead come back to life everyday. It was also another opportunity to bring many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We all know that raising the dead is a big deal compared to healing the sick.

*Joseph became Prime Minister at the appointed time though he received the promise several years before the manifestation. He was being proofed and tested, he was being prepared for the greater glory ahead of Him. He had to face shame, ridicule, slavery, . . .in order to develop godly character in him

There is no mistake in God's deeds. He never commits errors. He is ALWAYS right on time. Wait for God to rescue you and place you in safety. He is a faithful God. Wait for His favour. Don't try to run ahead of God. Wait for God's timing with patience and alertness.

Do you know what I remind myself about everytime? There is time for everything. And God makes all things beautiful in it's time. If something I desire is not happenening for me, I simply tell myself, "It is not yet my time. When my time comes, no stoppability can stop my God."

When God is ready to do what He believes His best for you, he does not need permission from anyone to bless you. He will break protocols if need be. God makes everything beautiful at the time allotted it for blossoming. If the time is not yet ripe, you will just keep giving yourself unnecessary headaches if you do not trust God's timing for your life. God has good plans for everyone of us. These plans will only come to be, though, at the time He deems best.

Remember, “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance. Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed (Habakkuk 2:2-3).

God's time is always the best!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Tuesday 24 March 2015

It's A New Week...

Let us pray!

Father, we thank you for this beautiful day, the start of a working week. We praise You for who you are in our lives, homes, work and all. You are faithful Lord. Great is your mercy towards us. Mighty are You Lord.

Thank You for all that You have been to us and done for us. Thank You for salvation, healing, protection, provisions, promotions, safe deliveries, journey mercies, guidance, deliverance, . . .

We declare that this week shall be a week of peace.
The lines shall fall in pleasant places for us.
We shall not lack any good thing.
The hand of The Lord is upon us for good.
Favour shall attend our ways.
Our paths shall draw fatness.
No evil shall befall us.

As we go to the polls in Nigeria this week, let Your will be done. Choose for us leaders after Your heart. Leaders that will work tirelessly for the good of this nation.

Thank You Father for hearing us in Jesus' mighty name we pray!

What Makes A Man Wise?

Wisdom is defined by a dictionary as understanding what is true, right and lasting and acting upon it.

I'll like to talk about a man whose name could have been interpreted as confusion, from the sound of the name he was known by. But he was by no means confused at all. Confucius, a Chinese teacher and the most famous philosopher was born in 561BC. His full name was Kong Qui. Due to the turmoil and injustice he saw, he set himself to develop a new moral code based on respect, honesty, education, kindness, education, kindness and strong family bonds. His teaching later became the basics for religious and moral belief and life throughout China.

Confucius identified 3 ways to learn wisdom:
1. By reflection» this is the noblest way of acquiring wisdom. When you reflect and meditate, you have great tendencies of learning wisdom.

2. By imitation» this is the easiest way of learning wisdom. If you are up for the easy way out, just look for a wise person, copy and paste his ways. Jesus is the Wisdom of God. You see that God really loves us and really does not want us to be stressed out. The disciples were called Christians in Antioch because they were "imitators" of Christ. This is the best way ever. Imitate Christ through His Words. Imitate God (Ephesians 5:1). We can have mentors too. Like Apostle Paul said, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ" in 1 Corinthians 11:1.

3. By experience» this is the bitterest way to learn wisdom. This way, you launch into the forest without any map per se. There are no road signs that would help you take caution. Well, I don't seem to like this way.

*How To Gain Wisdom

God makes a man wise. He is the custodian of wisdom. Here are some things you must do if you want to be wise:

1. Be a seeker of the truth» You must remember that wise men still seek God. The 3 wise men sought the King of kings (Matthew 2:1-2). God's Word is The Truth that one must seek if he must be wise (see John 17:17). Seek to allow God lead you by His truth (Psalm 25:5).

2. Fear God» The fear of The Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). If you want to be wise, fear God. It's a simple equation.

3. Cultivate the mind of a beginner» Do not despise the days of little beginning (Zechariah 4:10). The wise is ready to start from scratch. He knows well enough not to build the roof of his house first before the foundation. He lays a solid foundation for his life. He builds on the Chief Cornerstone- Jesus.

4. Think first and talk later» A wise person is swift to listen but slow to speak. The way Jesus handled the case of the woman that was accused of adultery in John 8 verses 1 to 11 depicts great wisdom. He didn't talk much. The little He spoke drove the point He had to make right home.

5. Read and study» You know the saying that "If you wish to hide a treasure from a black man, hide keep it on the pages of a book"? The wise must learn to read and study. They dig deep into Scriptures. Study to show yourself approved unto God (see 2 Timothy 2:15). When you are sure of what God says, you won't have to bow your face in shame.

6. Be Humble» It is wisdom to be humble. Because you don't want to be debased right? God despises the proud. The haughty is simply a fool (see Proverbs 16:18). I came across this quote:
"Be humble for you are made of dirt. Be noble for you are made of stars."

7. Learn to recognize your faults» Take responsibility for you errors. When you fail, face it. Don't ignore your issues or mistakes. A wise person faces his challenges head on, looks for the way out of the pit he has found himself and marches forward. Adam and Eve refused to take responsibility for their actions and I think that's the dumbest thing man ever did.

8. Uncomplicate your life» Slow down. Do not become the 'jack of all trade and the master of none'. Whatever you do, do it well. Joseph and Daniel were known for interpreting dreams and they were really good at it.

9. Ask questions» It's fine to be inquisitive. Ask questions about things you do not know or you are not sure about. No one knows everything. So, do not even try to act like you do. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Using a dull ax requires great strength,
so sharpen the blade.
That’s the value of wisdom;
it helps you succeed (Ecclesiastes 10:10).

Benefits Of Wisdom

1. A wise man will always stand out. Uniqueness is his first name. One wise person is stronger than ten leading citizens of a town! (Ecclesiastes 7:19) How wonderful to be wise,
to analyze and interpret things (Ecclesiastes 8:1a). Wisdom makes a person likeable. It removes sternness from his face.

2. Wisdom gives secret knowledge. Just like in the case of Daniel and Joseph. They were privy to information beyond the knowledge of any other person in existence. Or who knows the dream someone else dreamt if not a wise person? Someone in whom The Spirit of  God lives.

3. Wisdom makes you experience inner joy which radiates on the outside. Wisdom lights up a person’s face, softening its harshness (Ecclesiastes 8:1b).

4. Wisdom changes the inner disposition of a person. Wisdom changes the disposition of the man that possesses her. He does not have the mind of a mediocre.

Wisdom is profitable to direct. . .

~OMOSEBI Olushola

Friday 20 March 2015

Testing! Testing!!

How do you know that a brand of tea is really good? You dip the teabag in hot water. How can you be sure that your faith is growing? You've got to be tried and tested. Tried by the fire of adversity, lack, delay, failure, etc. When you write an examination in a particular class, it's an opportunity to move to the next class. Your promotion however depends on your passing or failing the exams.

Troubles are exams that we must write in life. Life is full of the bad as much as it is full of good. Everyone has the shoe pinching them in one way or the other. One common thing is the "pinch". The variability exists in what area of life the pinch exists. Each one of us have our customized crosses that we must carry daily. Many people want testimonies without being tested, well, that's the wrong order. The tests must come first before you can have a testimony. You cannot say that you have passed when you have not even written an exam.

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. (James 1:2-4)

We can be compared to gold. Gold goes through the refiner's fire to remove impurities. The gold becomes more and more beautiful as time passes in the furnace. Our strength is increased in the furnace of trials. Many people fail/fall at the point of adversity because they have not gathered strength prior that time. They chicken out because their hearts have not been circumsized. They have not been proofed by trials. They have been shielded and 'breastfed' all their lives. They have not practised cracking bones, all they eat and can digest is milk. They run away from every hard nut. Always looking for the easy way out. Always running away from tough challenges. Anyone with that kind of attitude will not grow.

We must face out challenges head-on. Or have you ever wondered why there is no armour securing our backs? I perceive it's because we are not permitted to turn our backs on the battles of life. Our motto must be: No retreat; No surrender. We endure the rigours that come with trials. We march forward into battle with the Lord going before us. Our faith in God gets more and more grounded. We get promoted from one 'class' to the next. And the cycle continues as we move on. We are being prepared for the phases yet to come.

I have heard of people testify of how calm they were in the face of serious troubles. They had that deep-sitted faith in God to settle their cases. Their hands must have been trained to battle. They had grown in faith as their endurance threshold increased.

You can get to that level too, and beyond. Hold on tightly to the promise of God never to leave nor forsake you. Endure you test period, it'll soon be over. Examinations don't go on forever. There's always a duration. Be prepared by feasting on the Word of God. Acquire strength from God's Word, for the journey is far. Build up your faith through prayers. It's the way to perfection.

Testing. . . It's a continuous process.  

We shall overcome in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Thursday 19 March 2015

Prayer : Talking

You know, when we are faced with difficult issues, most times, what we do is find someone to talk to. And when we are hurt, most of us fall into the "keep talking" mode. We keep talking and talking about the same thing. The person gives an apology that does not seem genuine and we keep talking. I guess that's what they call nagging. Well, as far as I know, talking alone is not usually the solution. Talking to your partner about your hurt is okay. But you must combine your talking with prayers.

Prayer must be greater than mere talking. Watch the ratio of your praying to talking. I can't say it is wrong to talk. Or else, we should begin to ask why God gave us mouths right? Looking through the book of Psalm, I realize that the psalmist spoke to God about his issues severally. I have heard people say that Christians overemphasize prayers. And I just keep wondering. I don't know how a Christian can survive without prayers. Prayer is what keeps a Christian going. It is the sap that connects us as the branches to the vine. The communication strengthens our relationship with God. And as far as I know, God is interested in every detail of our lives. He doesn't complain about us telling Him the things we call "trivial". It is a true friend that you tell every single detail of your life. So, if you're still complaining about the fact that you should let God be in the know of everything, something is still wrong with your relationship with Him. We must trust Him to handle every of our situations. We must always remember that He loves us so much. One person that will not get tired of you is God.

Instead of chattering on and on about your spouse who is misbehaving, go to God in prayers about it. It's hightime you put your in-laws who are not giving you peace in prayers instead of fighting them with your cutting words, expecting them to change. God owns the heart of men. He will direct it whichever way He deems fit. If you ask of Him, you will receive. I am a witness to what prayers can do. Nothing is too little to talk to God about. And how do I know this?

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

I believe the meaning of everything is everything. 'Everything' includes the big and the small. Nothing is left out. Talk to God about everything ranging from your fears to your hurts.

The admonition today: Talk less; Pray more! Change your settings to prayer mode.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Do You Desire Perfect Peace?

I love the Bible so much. God's words are soooooo sweet. Hmmmmmmmmm. I know that some people will say that it's not possible to be in a state of total peace. But God promises His children Perfect Peace. So, that can only mean one thing- it's possible to have perfect peace. Not just any type of peace, not a k-legged peace but a perfect one. This kind of peace is not dependent on situations around. It is not affected by storms. It is not affected by lack. It is not affected by sickness. It is not shaken by turbulence. It makes you experience positivity in the midst of negativity. Everything around you has the caption, "Casting Down" on them but your spirit only screams, "There's A Lifting Up!"

When the Prince of peace dwells with you, peace reigns in your life. When you allow Jesus to be your master, you experience peace. The story of Jesus in the boat with His disciples on troubled waters implies that turbulence will go on outside of your boat. However, perfect peace reigns on your inside. Unlike the erroneous believe of some, that once you are a Christian, you no longer experience problems, Jesus confirmed to His disciples that they will be faced with trials. They were promised a life of turmoil. But they should be of good cheer because Jesus has overcome the world. There cannot be peace without turmoil. The lack, unfruitfulness, joblessness,. . . family troubles are fixed on our  path in life. We are on stormy seas. This is not the case of suffering and deceiving yourself by smiling or pretence. It is not saying "It is well" as a slang but having faith that it is truly well with you and that situation. It is a TRUE state of calm. Sleeping in the face of the storm like Jesus did is peace.

You can experience this type of peace too. So, what do you do? Simply trust in
God. When you trust God, you have complete faith in Him to take care of you. You know that He will never leave nor forget you. You are certain of His love. You are sure that He has power to save. You have that deep sitted assurance that God is in control. Since you have handed over your life to Him, you can be sure that He will drive you to safety.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3)

When Apostle Peter asked to walk on water like Jesus did, he got his desire granted him. Only for as long as he fixed his gaze on the master though. Immediately his thought shifted from the Master of the Universe, he began to sink. If we allow our hearts to be totally fixed on God, we will experience perfect peace too. Fix your eyes on the Almighty God and stop giving attention to your troubles.

God is mighty to save! Hallelujah!

Trust the Prince of peace completely henceforth and see the miraculous happen in your life- You begin to live in perfect peace irrespective of the situation around you. It's actually up to you.

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Monday 16 March 2015

Only Trouble Awaits Rebels

There is this adage in Yoruba, interpreted as: "The dog that will get missing will not hearken to its master's whistle." Human beings too fall victim of this. God keeps blowing the whistle by several means but what do we do? We usually choose to ignore the warning sounds God is shouting out to us. Many people are driven by rebellion. Everything around them is screaming, "Don't go that way. In it lies destruction!" Yet, that is the way they will decide to go by.

I have seen several people personally, who are being warned against taking certain steps but they refuse. I then wonder, what's going on. It's so clear that the road they have chosen to tread can not lead them to a safe destination but they are bent on walking the road. They are totally blinded. The road that seems nice to them is actually the wrong road and they are unable to realize it.

And why is this? They are not ready to listen to God. They feel God's perfect will for them may not fit into the picture frame they have made for themselves. They surround themselves with people like them who will deceive them. They listen to those who will corroborate the decisions they have made. They refuse to listen to the truth.

Are you in this category? Have you gone down to Egypt? Are you on a chase after the pleasures of life at the detriment of your life? Are you in a relationship that is not God ordained? God's calling out to you today. He does not want to see you destroyed. Hearken to the voice of The Lord to you today. He is giving you another chance to retrace your steps to the path of life. Jesus is calling you! Choose life today.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

See text below:
Isaiah 30:1-17»
WOE TO the rebellious children, says the Lord, who take counsel and carry out a plan, but not Mine, and who make a league and pour out a drink offering, but not of My Spirit, thus adding sin to sin;
Who set out to go down into Egypt, and have not asked Me--to flee to the stronghold of Pharaoh and to strengthen themselves in his strength and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!
Therefore shall the strength and protection of Pharaoh turn to your shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt be to your humiliation and confusion.
For though [Pharaoh’s] officials are at Zoan and his ambassadors arrive at Hanes [in Egypt],
Yet will all be ashamed because of a people [the Egyptians] who cannot profit them, who are not a help or benefit, but a shame and disgrace.
A mournful, inspired prediction (a burden to be lifted up) concerning the beasts of the South (the Negeb): Oh, the heavy burden, the load of treasures going to Egypt! Through a land of trouble and anguish, in which are lioness and lion, viper and fiery flying serpent, they carry their riches upon the shoulders of young donkeys, and their treasures upon the humps of camels, to a people that will not and cannot profit them.
For Egypt’s help is worthless and toward no purpose. Therefore I have called her Rahab Who Sits Still.
Now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be as a witness for the time to come forevermore.
For this is a rebellious people, faithless and lying sons, children who will not hear the law and instruction of the Lord;
Who [virtually] say to the seers [by their conduct], See not! and to the prophets, Prophesy not to us what is right! Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceitful illusions.
Get out of the true way, turn aside out of the path, cease holding up before us the Holy One of Israel.
Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: Because you despise and spurn this [My] word and trust in cunning and oppression, in crookedness and perverseness, and rely on them,
Therefore this iniquity and guilt will be to you like a broken section of a high wall, bulging out and ready [at some distant day] to fall, whose crash will [then] come suddenly and swiftly, in an instant.
And he shall break it as a potter’s vessel is broken, breaking it in pieces without sparing so that there cannot be found among its pieces one large enough to carry coals of fire from the hearth or to dip water out of the cistern.
For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not,
And you said, No! We will speed [our own course] on horses! Therefore you will speed [in flight from your enemies]! You said, We will ride upon swift steeds [doing our own way]! Therefore will they who pursue you be swift, [so swift that]
One thousand of you will flee at the threat of one of them; at the threat of five you will flee till you are left like a beacon or a flagpole on the top of a mountain, and like a signal on a hill.

Wednesday 11 March 2015


When you are faced with the temptation to lay with a person who is neither your wife nor husband, what do you do? You flee! You step on that throttle and take off on top speed. Don't look back. Just keep going. Take to your heels. Run as fast as you can. Save yourself first.

It's not your duty to try to deliver that person who is trying to lure you into adultery (or fornication) from the spirit that has possessed him/her. The person is already possessed by the devil and he won't give up that easily. Persuasion will not do it. You know, sometimes when I 'mistakenly' watch home movies,  I will be so pissed by some things they are doing. You will see a lady who is trying to seduce a man, display all her tricks. And the man will be saying 'dumbly', "Stooooop it". He will even go further to try to help her pull her blouse back into it's place. Then I will start wondering at the foolish act. Well, I console myself at the end of it all by telling myself, "It's a movie. They are simply acting out a script." Lol. But sincerely, that's what happens in real life.

One lesson I have learnt from The Bible is that I shouldn't discuss with the devil. The devil is cunning. Shun him immediately with The Word of God. He has his ways with words. He is experienced in confusing people. And he is relentless. He wants you to fall, he'll do anything possible to accomplish his mission. And that includes using the scriptures to his advantage. Eve discussed with him and fell. Instead The Bible says "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).

Resistance is not done gently. You do it violently. You take your freedom by force. You pull yourself away at all cost. You fight for your salvation and integrity. Your aim is not to throw away your destiny. What more to fight for than this? If the picture of your God-given destiny is boldly before your eyes, you will snatch yourself off the devil who wants to devour you immediately. It's no time to be a 'gentleman'.

A perfect example is Joseph. O, how I love Joseph (You can read about him in Genesis 39). He fled for his life (verse 12). Not because man could have found out but because he had reverent fear for God. He was not ready to take chances. He even had to leave his clothe in the hand of the woman who was trying to steal his glorious future from him. He wasn't going to loose God's purpose just because of a few minutes of pleasure.

One thing of note here is that Potiphar's wife did not just grab Joseph one day. She had started trying to win him over with words. Sin doesn't just have it's 'big break' in one day. I guess that one thing that must have helped Joseph in the long run is the fact that he already labelled that woman "Danger" since she started making wrong moves towards him. He did not turn a blind eye towards her actions. He was at alert. He was ready even before she finally charged at him.

We must learn from Joseph. Ask God for the spirit of discernment. When that your secretary starts acting like she's your wife, being Miss Nice, dotting on you, put her in her place. When that guy on the block starts all his 'gentlemanly' moves, you had better be careful. I'm not saying that every gesture is laden with lust but you must be careful all the same. Even if it all started out as "harmless", it COULD turn out to be harmful. The Bible tells us to be VIGILANT. Don't let your guard down at anytime.

Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up (1Peter 5:8 MSG).

They will come after you. I mean those wolves. Run as fast as you can. Let the fear of God drive you as fast as possible away from that trap. Remember, the marriage bed must be kept undefiled. May God continually grant us grace to stand in righteousness in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

Planning A Restful Weekend

The weekend is supposed to be a time for rest from the week-long labour. But what happens? It's when the backlog of house chores are cleared. It is during the weekends too that you attend to social functions. And then prepare for the next working week.

¤ Decide to have a restful weekend. You need to choose to take time out for proper rest. You need it. You must realize that you need some "me" time.

¤ Start planning for the rest period right from the beginning of the week. Start from Sunday. Envision what you want the weekend to be like. Start preparing your mind for the rest at the end of the week.

¤ You need to soak yourself in the decision to have a restful weekend. Be deliberate. By this I mean talk about your planned rest. Talk to people around you about it. You get to the office, tell your colleagues something like, "I can't wait for Friday to get here". Talk about it everyday of the week until the day finally arrives.

¤ Choose to say "No". Say no to functions or assignments that could rob you of the proposed rest.

God gives His beloved sleep!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Insatiety Of Man

Have you ever thought about the fact that we never get satisfied? The richest man on earth I believe keeps looking for means to increase his wealth and ensure that he maintains his status. You will see someone who was earning ten thousand naira/month last year (and of course found a way around managing it), get another job where he is being paid two hundred thousand naira/month still complaining profusely. We never seem to have enough. We always want more. It's not only Oliver Twist who was never satisfied. Man is on the path of insatiety.

Ecclestiastes 1:7-8» All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again. All things are full of labor; Man cannot express it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor the ear filled with hearing.

Most humans are leeches. We usually keep seeking for things. Some go to the extent of snatching the little the less privileged have just to make sure the much they have becomes more. Or how do you explain the case of a wealthy man who would 'use' others to work for him so that he becomes wealthier and would not even pay them adequately? Or the common cases of people revolving positions of authority amongst themselves- those in the high class? You know it's easy to say, "I cannot do that when I become rich". But only one factor can make that possible. That is The God factor.
The one who loves money is never satisfied with money, Nor the one who loves wealth with big profits (Ecclesiastes 5:10). Only lovers of God are truly satisfied.

God is the only one that satisfies. No matter how powerful or rich you are in this life, you will not be satisfied. Especially when God is not in the picture. Having God as the CONSTANT in one's life make life meaningful.

God is inviting us to come and drink of Him. Jesus is the Living Water and the Bread of life. When He says that whoever drinks of Him will no longer thirst, now that's satisfaction. Jesus says, "Come!" You don't need to pay anything. Come with your empty vessels. Let Him fill you till you want no more.

Fill my cup Lord as I lift it up to You today. . .

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Sunday 8 March 2015

Directed By God

My thoughts were driven to one of my favourite verses in The Bible.

Here it is:

Your own ears will hear him.
Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left (Isaiah 30:21).

I actually had to read the whole chapter. The initial part of Isaiah 30 focused on the rebellious ones, who refused instruction from God. However, I'll be writing about that in another article. Back to the latter part of that chapter, it is highly fascinating to see the dividends of allowing God to direct us.

The first thing of note here is the fact that it is 'you' that will hear God's voice. God is always ready to listen to those who wait on Him for direction. God can talk to you directly. You don't need an intermediary to pass messages from God to you. You should simply work at getting your hearing sharpened so you can hear God speak to you.

Jesus, The Good Shepherd says in John 10:3b-5, "He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice.
They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.”

The question now is, "Is The Lord Jesus your shepherd?" Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour? I extend the invitation to make Jesus your Lord to you today. Jesus will never leave His own without guide. He looks out for their good. He goes ahead of them. He clears the way before them so that they do not get stuck in any form of web.

If you follow God's directions, God will make everything work well for you. He will water your seed. He leads to green pastures. He will crown your efforts with success. When you walk with The Lord, things fall in place for you. That is why someone who God instructs to take up a lesser paying job will live more comfortably than someone on a higher paying job who God did not ask to take up that employment. Or a lady who married a man that has virtually no money, at God's command, will radiate God's glory in her marriage as against another who married a man just because he is rich.

In short, God makes the difference. Allowing God lead you makes life liveable. I chose to use that expression because the fact that God is leading you does not mean that you will not encounter challenges along that God chosen path. It only says that since God is leading, He already knows where the potholes are. That way, He will help you leap at the points you should. He'll tell you when to bend or run on that road.

There is no better director anywhere. You can not direct yourself successfully. Neither can any other human being. Human beings are prone to colour blindness. The grass you are seeing to be green might just be brown. God sees into the future. He sees perfectly. He knows the path that suits you.

Trust in The Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways. Let Him direct you.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

It Is Morning Already!

For His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

I don't know who this Word is for this afternoon, all I know is that God is set to turn your situation around for good. He's shining His light into the dark places in your life. The season of struggling, sorrow, sickness, . . . is over.

He says, "Wake up! It's morning already! The sun is up!"

Brides' And Brides' Maids' Dresses

What do I call this horrible sight? Or should I say disgusting? I wonder at some dresses ladies wear as their wedding gown. Some others dress themselves sensibly and choose indecent dresses for their bridesmaids. It's totally appalling.

This must not be seen amongst us as children of God. What baffles me most is the fact that it's the 'so-called' Christian ladies that are found in the habit of dressing indecently at weddings and other occasions. Some cover up themselves only because of church rules which are against revealing dresses. You get to the reception and start to wonder if you missed your way because the bride has been transformed. She's now dressed as if she's the host at a strip club.

We are daughters of the King of kings. Let's stop disgracing our Father. We are expected to be role models. Let's show the world how it's supposed to be. It shouldn't be the other way round. We should be the standard they look up to reach. Stop letting the world look down on us.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Love Yourself

I'm talking especially to women here who have experienced drastic changes in their bodies. Or those who have been put down by comment made against their body features. Love yourself.

Even the Master instructs us to love others as WE LOVE OURSELVES. I may not be an image consultant, but I do know that how you feel about yourself affects your mind. It twists or straightens your believe system. You must believe in yourself. You must come to terms with the changes that's occurred in your body. Choose to see yourself through the eyes of God.

Tell it to yourself that you are beautiful. Look yourself in the mirror, appreciate God's handwork. Write it down or post it in places where you can easily see it that you are special and adorable.

Take care of yourself too. Wear clothes you love. Wear those that flatter you figure. Clothes that glorify God and depicts a princess of The Most High. Not exposing nakedness but something you feel good in. Pamper yourself. Get a pedicure/manicure. Get facial treatments done. You could get a massage. I know what I'm saying. I do pay much attention to myself too as much as I can. Even if I'm not moving out of the house, I dress up, put on make up and sometimes take selfies. #grin.

I appreciate how God made me. I pick the endowment one after the other. I thank God for my eye lashes, my eye brow, my hair texture, my figure, my height, my legs, my complexion, my teeth, my lips. . . Do same constantly. That way, no one can put you down. What they say won't get at you. Demeaning comments pass through your right ear and out through the left. It just won't stick. Shower yourself with much love. Drink of it. Get drunk and intoxicated in the Love of God which made Him make you like He did.

Love Yourself!

 If you don't do it, who will?

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Maybe It's Time To Check Out

If you are not happy going to that office of yours or you wake up on a Monday morning and all you can think about is how you could skip work, something is wrong somewhere. Everyday of your working life, is actually part of your life. You tend to spend most of your day at work and if you are unhappy on the job I could almost say that you are an unhappy person.

I bet it's hightime you left that job. You most likely are not where you should be or doing what you should be doing. You either need to look inward or look out of the box of your job. Maybe you are supposed to be running your own business or totally on another line of work. It's time to prayerfully find out.

Many people just pick up jobs because they want to make money. Life is not all about money. What should be utmost in our hearts is fulfilling purpose. Is being on that job part of the plan? Are you on the path God has charted for you? This is a serious issue and it burdens my heart to see people places where they are not supposed to be.

God has a plan/purpose for each one of us. There is a length of time attached to each step too. Do you recognize when it's "Time up"? Do you keep clinging on to the phase you should have stepped out from? At that point, you can not be fulfilled where you are forcing yourself to be.

When I was on my Masters' degree program, I picked up a teaching job. I was convinced that God wanted me there. It was a marvellous experience working with those children then. To the glory of God, a brother (from my fellowship then) and I worked together to establish a students' fellowship and a staff fellowship; which are still functioning till now. I was able to reach out to young children, they confided in me, and God helped me to counsel and guide them. Many brought their parents to see me, some were led to Christ, . . . (And I'm still in contact with some of them). I was there for one session and I thought I'd return for the new session since I had not gotten another job but God said, "Time up". It was time to leave the job. I was still trying to reason it out and I just didn't have peace. I begun feeling like an alien and often stressed out from the trouble of teaching the young children. I resigned but the management wouldn't accept my resignation. They pleaded with me to stay with them. They offered me a higher pay and even talked and talked about the fact that I had not gotten another job but my decision was made. I found joy in moving on. It was time for a new phase, and God led me into it gallantly. It gives me total joy and a sense of fulfilment. My husband would always say, "You are never tired when it comes to baking cakes and doing other handworks". I find joy doing them. I might be totally fagged out before I begin doing them, but once I start, I will have excess strength and you begin to wonder what's going on. I do wonder too.

Don't just jump into any job or business. If God is left out of the equation, you have just signed up for dissatisfaction, a high level of stress, unhappiness, etc. I will tell you categorically that I didn't just write applications aimlessly. My friends used to say I was unserious. While everyone was running around to apply for jobs outside of what I was sure was God's course for me, I would just sit still. Don't be tossed around like a leaf on the sea.

Stop wasting your time. Don't spend the greater portion of your life in aimless chases. Let God hold you by the hand and lead you to and through where He has purposed for you. Live a purposeful life!

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

One Is Good; Two Are Better

It is good to pray alone but two are definitely better. It's good to stand in the gap for your family, husband, children, . . .all by yourself. It's good to be a lone prayer champion but when two are involved, a greater reward is certain. Your spouse should be your prayer partner; even if you have other prayer partners. The power of two. God abides in a place where there's agreement. Ever wondered the scripture emphatically says that God is in the midst of two or three that gather in His name.

Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

Join forces with your husband. Your reward will somersault in in geometric progression. The Bible tells us that one shall chase a thousand while two will chase ten thousand. Can you beat that? Normally, we should have expected two to chase two thousand. That's the greater reward we're talking about. God multiplies your prayers. He magnifies your reward when you seek Him as a couple. When your husband found you, he received favour from the Lord. So what do you call the ripple effect of prayers by two people who agree together before their heavenly father? What do you call the multiplied reward they receive? I call it favour. Yes, favour takes over from labour when you pray together. You do less work and reap a greater harvest. You get much more than your expectation.

Praying together binds your spirits together. For me, when my husband and I pray together and worship God, I have this feeling of closeness to him. I feel a stronger attachment. Really, when we hold hands in prayers, it speaks the greatest volume of romance to me. I don't really know how to explain it.

Take time to pray TOGETHER constantly. It sure doesn't stop your personal prayers. Don't ignore the power of two. I encourage you to make a habit of it. Encourage each other to pray together.

May the Lord cause you to walk in agreement with your spouse in Jesus' name!

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Be Encouraged

For someone here today who feels like the world is crashing down on her. They are ganging up against you. God is telling you that He is with you. I have been asked to encourage you this morning. You are definitely not alone. He says "Soon, soon you'll come out of the challenges". Though these troubles and challenges have gone on and on for ages, it's about time. Change for good is coming.

Hold on to the promise of God. Keep the faith. Hold on. Don't you give up on God. God is working for you. And when it looks like God is coming too late, He's coming in a BIG way.

Shake off the dust. You are stepping into your season of rejoicing. Remember, SOON!

Have a Blessed day!

Do Not Do It! Please

I have this strong urge to  beg someone here today not to go ahead with plans to marry that unbeliever.

I'll like you to meditate on this scripture yourself:
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? What agreement [can there be between] a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in and with and among them and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor, And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. (2Corinthians 6:14-18).

You know in your heart that that man is not a child of God. He seems good on the surface, but he's not born again. His spirit is not on the same page with yours. He lives life carelessly. He is just a moralist. Let me tell you something, anyone who is not controlled by God is at the mercy of the devil. He has no power to do good by himself. Don't set yourself up for disaster. I really fear for you.

I'll like to give an illustration that depicts what happens when you marry an unbeliever. You are trying to start a fire and the man is constantly pouring water into the fireplace. You will not make progress that way. You will keep struggling. In case you don't understand the yoke idea, imagine tying the neck of a calf with an height of 0.3m to a 1metre tall bull. What happens? One is dragging the other while the other is being dragged. He just won't meet up with the expectation of the taller counterpart. Their pace will never be the same. They just are not meant for each other. Constant rift and complaining exists. O such discomfort.

The part that gives me a whole lot of concern is the expected outcome of the children's faith. You confuse them. What usually sadly amuses me actually is how to go about the nomenclature of these children. Then you hear something like Quadri Abraham so so so and so. I then wonder if they will take turns to lead them through the two different religions. And if one of the parents is just not taking God seriously, what message is being passed across to the children? It's really pathetic. Children are the heritage of God. He wants you to train them in His way. Don't make life difficult for them.

And please, don't be deceived by his promise to change after marriage. I have heard of several cases like that. They didn't. They actually became firmer on their grounds of converting the wife to their side. Some promise that you are free to do your own thing while I continue with mine after marriage. Hmmmmmm.
Why settle for disunity when I can wait on God to give me a man with whom I can pursue a common goal. Someone with united purpose. Please think it through again. Let God lead you. Don't go yoke yourself with the wrong person.

Can two walk together except they agree? Impossible. If your spirits are not united, how else will the remaining part of you be united? Marrying someone with a different stance when it comes to the issue of faith is putting yourself on two sides of a rope. You are parallel lines. You keep pulling towards different directions. Save yourself the stress. Stop playing games with your life.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

We Are God's

God is the creator and owner of our lives. He has the world in His hands. Everything and everyone is in His full control. He has power over them all. He owns us and wants it to remain that way. But sin separated us from Him. He desired that Adam and Eve would remain in the garden of Eden so that He could continually have a sweet fellowship with them but that couldn't go on forever. God still seeks working relationships with His children. And He never has a problem. We are always the weak links.

Who are those that are His?
They that have clean hands. Those who do not soil their hands with sin and corruption. They that do not touch any unclean thing. They have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Their hands do not take what is not theirs. Their hands take no bribe. Their hands do not falsify documents. Their hands do not write fake reports or write wrong judgements. Their hands do not manipulate measures they use to sell to their customers. Their hands do not fight. Their hands do not make inappropriate gesticulations. Their hands are raised in adoration of The Most High God because they are clean; holy indeed. They are the ones that are qualified to sing, "So we lift up holy hands in one accord. . ."

The legitimate children of God have pure hearts. Their hearts are ciircumcized. They have received the heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone. Their hearts hold no grudges. Their hearts wish no one evil. Their hearts are not rotten. No corrupt thoughts are found in them. Their hearts do not plot revenge. Their hearts do not desire another person's spouse. They know that God cannot behold iniquity and they avoid it like a plague.

No form of falsehood is found in them. They follow the path of truth at all times. They don't lie, they say it as it is. They are not deceptive. When they say something is red, it is red and not pink. They are not manipulative.

They are the ones who can go up the mountain of the Lord. They are the ones that God listens to and speaks to. They are connected to God. These are true children of the Most High.

Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully (Psalm 24:3-4).

May God help us to be qualified to stand in His Holy Place in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Remember That You Are Man!

As my heart clicked on the scripture for meditation this morning, I was excited. I quickly told myself, "Great. I know that scripture so well." But then I heard it being told me, "I'm not talking about what you are thinking."

I have severally picked verse 7 of Job chapter 14 to encourage myself and others. I have used it as a prayer focus severally too. However, my attention was drawn to something totally different today.

Here's what the Bible says:

“Even a tree has more hope!
If it is cut down, it will sprout again and grow new branches. Though its roots have grown old in the earth
and its stump decays, at the scent of water it will bud and sprout again like a new seedling. “But when people die, their strength is gone.
They breathe their last, and then where are they? As water evaporates from a lake
and a river disappears in drought, people are laid to rest and do not rise again.
Until the heavens are no more, they will not wake up nor be roused from their sleep (Job 14:7-12).

I have seen many trees sprout again after being cut down. But man, when he dies, is gone forever from this side of eternity. There is no debate about that. We are dust, to dust we shall return. When it is time for a man to die, no matter the amount of resuscitation skills put into reviving him, he won't come back to life. Once the Examiner, Our God says, "Time up", there is no two-ways about it. It's practically over. One thing of note is that we are handed different examination questions and automatically, each one of us has a unique duration for the examination called "Life".

Here is the point exactly: Live every second of your life with this fact in view. Always remember that your time could be up at any moment. Once the giver of life takes it away, it's gone. As much as we pray to live long, we must also always remember that God has the final say. In what condition will the 'call to eternity' meet you?" Eternity is what it is- eternity. And that is why this issue of putting eternity in view always is very critical. I have seen old and young people die. It is really not about how long, but how well. Your life does not belong to you. Neither does tomorrow. Therefore, you cannot live just the way you like. You should live your life according to the dictates of God.

Our placement in eternity is determined by what happens here on this side of the divide. The decisions you make right here and now will determine where and how we end up. What preparations are you making for eternity? Make up your mind for Jesus today! He is the Way! He is the Truth! He is the Light! He is Life!

We must work towards living a full life in God. Work towards fulfilling purpose. Time waits for no one. What are you doing with your time? Are you redeeming time? Or are you wasting time? Are you still procrastinating putting action into your potentials? Are you adding 'work' to your 'faith'? Or are you still waiting for perfect conditions?

How are you living your life?
Remember that you are man and not a tree!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Thy Rod And Thy Staff. . .

God is a God of balance. He is always there to comfort and guide us. He is always there to discipline us. He holds the staff of direction and the rod of correction and protection. He protects us from the predators. He fights our battles for us. Just like a shepherd does with his sheep, God does with us.

With His staff, He clears the way for us. With His staff He comforts us. With His staff He directs us to the right path. He keeps us from the ditches and dangerous forests. He speaks to us. He tells us where to go, where the way is. His Word stands as the guide for us.

The Word of God is a two-edged sword. Just like the word is available for instruction, it is also available for correction. Because God loves us He disciplines us.

Man must expect both sides of the divide from God, as the need arises. You cannot pick the staff and leave the rod behind. The two are important for our ultimate survival. He knows just what we need per time. The Word 'beats' us back into His will. The Word 'smacks' us so that we can retrace our steps to Him.

Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me (Psalm 23:4 AMP).

We must allow Him do with us as He desires. We must yield to correction and walk in the way He leads us through. Only then are we safe. Only then do we have no cause to fear or be agitated. When we know He is with us, and we allow Him take charge of our lives, there will be no cause for alarm. We are rest assured that He will take care of us.

May His rod and staff comfort us as we journey through life in Jesus' name. . .

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Ask, Seek And Knock

If I say, "Matthew 7:7", I am sure many people will say what is written in that verse in split seconds. It is a 'common' scriptural verse to many. I simply love the way The Amplified version puts it:
"Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you."

Keep asking. Ask until your joy is full. Wait for an answer. You know, if you go visit someone very important, someone who is to do you good, if you ring the bell and there's no answer, you stay there. Probably ring the bell again. And then wait for an answer. It's possible that your host is in the bath. Do you then expect him to jump out to open the door for you? I really don't think so. If you leave hurriedly, you might miss your appointment. Most times, I wonder when some people hoot the horn of their cars impatiently when they arrive at their homes especially those who don't have people who man the gate. Hello? Have some patience. It's the same thing when it comes to us asking God for blessings. When we knock, we must wait for Him to answer.

The idea of this verse I believe is persistence. Ask and allow the door be opened. Don't be a joker by pressing the doorbell and speeding off like an unserious person. Allow your case get attended to. Many things in life actually points to this lesson that God wants us to learn as His children. You sow, you must wait to reap. You get pregnant, there must be a gestation period.

Keep seeking the face of the Lord. He says we should seek Him while we can find Him. Seek His kingdom first and all other things will be added unto you. Seek God. Not ephemeral things. Focus your gaze. I have sought something that I didn't remember where I placed it before. I searched and searched and then suddenly, I see it lying in a conspicuous place, a place I had supposedly checked before. If I refused to go back to that spot that 'I had checked before', I simply won't have found what I was looking for. Seek until you find. It's a waiting game- Just like the saying "Quitters never win; winners never quit". Many people hate to wait, but you must wait if you will receive what you seek.

And the knocking part? I'm so loving this version. The verse says we must knock REVERENTLY. O yes, knock while you honour the one you are knocking on His door. I don't know about you, but it could be annoying when someone comes to your house and starts banging the gate/door as if he/she will bring it down. It's like the person is saying, "it's my right to get in there, open up". We must remember that we receive what we receive only by the mercies of God. We don't come to God with our shoulders high, commanding Him to attend to us. We must ask Him while in awe of Him. Knowing that He is the Almighty. We must respect God. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. And the common factor? Keep knocking. Don't stop.

Ask, Seek, Knock. . . Wait for a Response.


~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

The Lord Is My Shepherd. . .

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. . . Because I am the sheep of His pasture I will lack no good thing. Because I do not stray out of the flock I will stand strong. Because I allow God direct my path, I will not lack direction; and I will not fall into ditches. Because The Lord holds me by the hand, I am led to flourishing places. I will not labour in vain. . . All because The Lord is my shepherd.

The Good Shepherd knows where the watered pasture is. He leads me there. He feeds my spirit, soul and body with fresh food always. Favour is at work in me. I don't have to labour. I plant and I reap because The Shepherd of my soul leads me to fertile ground. I am fruitful because He has the wheel of my life in His hands. The All-knowing God is my guide.

I live in His peace. The Prince of peace is my Shepherd. He directs me to peaceful places and situations. Because He abides with me, nothing is missing; nothing is broken. He makes me experience peace in a turmoil-filled world. When others are saying, "there is a casting down", I can only testify that "There is a lifting up". I'm not moved by what they say. My anchor holds and grips the solid rock. I have no need to fear.

The Lord gives me rest. Jehoshaphat enjoyed calm in his realm because He allowed God to be his Shepherd. He allowed God lead him through unconventional path. He went to battle with musical instruments. He totally trusted God with his life and His nation. He was a man of faith who reaped the dividend of allowing God be one's shepherd. He gives his beloved sleep. Situations and circumstances around me do not control me. My sleep is not snatched away by worries. I know my Shepherd- my Lord is in control of everything. He has promised never to leave me or forsake me. I believe it. . . That settles it!


~OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

Great God

As I pondered on what Word God was sending today, I was reminded of this scripture:

For thus says the Lord: You shall not see wind or rain, yet that ravine shall be filled with water, so you, your cattle, and your beasts [of burden] may drink. This is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 3:17-18a).

My heart basically leapt for joy at the sighting of this scripture. I am reminded of how great our God is. I then also remembered a picture I saw sometimes ago with the inscription: "God fetches water with a basket to disgrace the bucket" (or something like that). O yes!

God specializes in doing the impossible.

 Seriously, there is nothing too hard for God to do. You don't need to see the signs of breakthrough says The Lord. Simply expect the breakthrough. Expect your blessings. Expect your healing. Expect that thing you have waited for all this while.

God chooses to break human protocols to show forth His glory. For the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of men. His ways we cannot fathom. We cannot search out His ways. And that is why He is called Jehovah!

What He says He will do, He will surely do it. It is true that you cannot see any cloud, but there shall be showers of blessings- and it shall be an abundant shower.

Verse 18a made me think more at the awesomeness of this God. . . It is a light thing.

 I serve a living God! There is nothing too hard for God, power belongs to Him.

I don't know what issues you have been dealing with. I don't know how much weight you are carrying.

One thing I know for sure though is that God is much bigger than all the problems. He is actually bigger than everything. Shift your eyes from that problem to the mightiness of God.

Verily verily I say unto you, there shall be a manifestation of His promises in your life. Faithful is our God!

OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

Saturday 7 March 2015

Give Yourself And Us A Break

I continually hear people talk on and on about how the challenges they are facing are the most difficult. Some claim that no one has been through what they are going through and that's why they cannot understand. They make it look like no one else could have survived if they had to go through what they are going through.

Nothing is new. The other day, I received a call from someone who told me that the concerns of another person whom had requested her prayer request to be put up in a post, was exactly the same as hers. She told me how it strengthened her resolve to hold on to God to help her through her challenges.

Listen to the Scriptures:

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us (Ecclestiastes 1:9-10)

You are not alone. Be encouraged by the fact that some people have gone ahead of us. These are cloud of witnesses, cheering us on. They have successfully overcome the exact same challenges that you are passing through now. I guess that some must have given up too. Whatever you are going through is for a purpose. God allows certain things to befall us to either test how much we have grown in faith or to strengthen our faith in Him.

Whatever the case, instead of ranting and complaining, rely on God to see you through. Stop focusing on the intensity of the pain you are going through. Instead, focus on God who is able to bring you safely to the other side of this river. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking that God does not love you by allowing you go through the greatest troubles ever. God does love you. The Scriptures makes us realize that God will not allow temptations greater than our capabilities to come our way. Just like God gives gifts and talents according to our abilities, he allows difficulties to come our way as much as we can handle. Therefore, if you are going through a hard time, know that it's because God knows you CAN handle it. And the probability is either that you will successfully go through the situation or that you will collapse under the weight of the trial. The choice is yours.

Don't you give up! Choose to be a success story. God's grace is sufficient. Plunge into the pool of His grace today.


~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Thursday 5 March 2015

The Implication Of Marriage

Marrying A Man is Surrendering To His Authority

As a single lady, this is one thing that I learnt and held onto tightly. Watch who you get married to. There is more to accepting a man's proposal for marriage than attraction.

Can you submit to that man's authority?
Is he equipped to cultivate your life?
Is he able to help you have a stronger walk with God after marriage?
What is his relationship with God like?
These are some questions you need to ask before you agree to marry a man.

Things normally run from the head unto the body. For instance, anointing runs from the altar to the pews. It is what the ministers are made up of that will flow to the members. And that is why people are encouraged not to allow just any minister lay hands on them in the name of prayers and impactation. So it is in marriage. The quality of the head determines the performance of the body. The head influences the body. The head is set in place once you are joined in marriage. Psalm 13:2 pictures this concept perfectly. Goodness of badness comes from the head to the body and not the other way round. The man transmits the either blessings or poison to the wife and then to the children. It's a continuous orderly process.

If the man you are getting married to is "not alright" (spiritually, behaviourally, psychologically, . . .), your marriage will most likely not be alright. If he does not reverence God nor respect elders/other human beings, you are definitely on your own. No respect for you be that. If he is a frivolous spender, that man will most likely drive the finances of your home down the valley. You are his helper not the director. You will have to submit to his authority as the Scripture instructs us to as wives.

Like it or not, the man is the head and nothing can change that. So, before you go and submit yourself to someone, be sure that that head is a good head.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Repent and Be Converted

This scripture was laid on my heart:
Joel 2:12-13» Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]. Rend your hearts and not your garments and return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness; and He revokes His sentence of evil [when His conditions are met].

Many people are observing series of fasting this period. However, I want to remind you that it's not about going without food alone but what you do alongside the 'no food' action. Why are you fasting? Just as a tradition? Or because your heart longs to be closer to God?

This is a great opportunity to mend the broken fences of our relationships with God. It is time to decide to abstain from sin henceforth and to ask for grace to stay pure. It is time for true revival. A time of restoration. A time to return to God, broken and ready to allow Him touch us with His love. This is the time to be grateful to God for the salvation of our souls. It is time to re-dedicate our lives to Him. To surrender all to Him. To decide to serve Him alone. It's time to forsake all our evil ways and not return to them.

Fasting without prayers is hunger-strike. Couple your fast with prayers- lots of prayers. Meditate on God's Words. Carry out some evaluation on your life. Repent of your ungodly ways. Return to God. Receive strength for your spirit.

May God hear your prayers as you wait on Him this season in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Samuel Survived, You Can Too!

Over the number of times I have heard people pick examples of people in the Bible who stood out amidst the corruption of their time, I have rarely seen Samuel being used as a case study. My attention was drawn to Samuel today.

As a little boy, Samuel lived with Prophet Eli. Do you remember that Eli's sons were the definition of corruption. They defiled The Temple, defiled themselves and others. They forced people who came to offer sacrifices to God to give them the choicest parts of the sacrifice. They were dictators. They disobeyed God. They didn't follow the rules and regulations that was binding priests at that time. They went their own way. They did whatever they liked. They were uncontrollable. Do you also remember that their father-Eli, was condemned on account of his sons' unruly behaviour?

But Samuel. . .

He lived in that soiled environment and came out unsoiled. He did not join them. Like the world would say, "If you can't beat them, join them". Samuel did not join them. Hophni and Phinehas did not see Samuel's life as an example to follow because they were deep in sin. They dwelt in sin. They enjoyed rolling in sin. Samuel however did not decamp to the sinners' party.

Many people's excuse for entering into sin these days is "pressure". We hide under the disguise of a perversed environment to engage in unholy/immoral acts. You hear people say, "It's not easy to stay pure. Besides, we are human beings."

But all we need for life and godliness has been handed over to us. The ball is now in our court. We get to choose whether to stand firm in faith or to cross carpet to the world.

Friendship with the world in enmity to God. There is no "midpoint" when it comes to choosing who we will serve/honour/follow. It's either God or the devil. Light and darkness cannot mix. You can't eat your cake and have it. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose life that you may live. Jesus is that life.

The children in my church sang "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. . ." on Sunday and it just flashed back into my mind now. In your dark little corner, let your little light shine. In your darkness ridden office; in your dark country; in that dark school hostel; in that dark business area; . . .

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

It is possible to abstain from sin. It is possible to walk with God in a dark generation like ours. Samuel survived, he came out undefiled. Daniel survived, he came out unharmed. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego survived, they came out of the fiery furnace unscathed. Noah survived, he was saved from destruction.

We shall survive by God's grace. He will lead us to safety. May we not fail Him in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola