Sunday 8 March 2015

Ask, Seek And Knock

If I say, "Matthew 7:7", I am sure many people will say what is written in that verse in split seconds. It is a 'common' scriptural verse to many. I simply love the way The Amplified version puts it:
"Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you."

Keep asking. Ask until your joy is full. Wait for an answer. You know, if you go visit someone very important, someone who is to do you good, if you ring the bell and there's no answer, you stay there. Probably ring the bell again. And then wait for an answer. It's possible that your host is in the bath. Do you then expect him to jump out to open the door for you? I really don't think so. If you leave hurriedly, you might miss your appointment. Most times, I wonder when some people hoot the horn of their cars impatiently when they arrive at their homes especially those who don't have people who man the gate. Hello? Have some patience. It's the same thing when it comes to us asking God for blessings. When we knock, we must wait for Him to answer.

The idea of this verse I believe is persistence. Ask and allow the door be opened. Don't be a joker by pressing the doorbell and speeding off like an unserious person. Allow your case get attended to. Many things in life actually points to this lesson that God wants us to learn as His children. You sow, you must wait to reap. You get pregnant, there must be a gestation period.

Keep seeking the face of the Lord. He says we should seek Him while we can find Him. Seek His kingdom first and all other things will be added unto you. Seek God. Not ephemeral things. Focus your gaze. I have sought something that I didn't remember where I placed it before. I searched and searched and then suddenly, I see it lying in a conspicuous place, a place I had supposedly checked before. If I refused to go back to that spot that 'I had checked before', I simply won't have found what I was looking for. Seek until you find. It's a waiting game- Just like the saying "Quitters never win; winners never quit". Many people hate to wait, but you must wait if you will receive what you seek.

And the knocking part? I'm so loving this version. The verse says we must knock REVERENTLY. O yes, knock while you honour the one you are knocking on His door. I don't know about you, but it could be annoying when someone comes to your house and starts banging the gate/door as if he/she will bring it down. It's like the person is saying, "it's my right to get in there, open up". We must remember that we receive what we receive only by the mercies of God. We don't come to God with our shoulders high, commanding Him to attend to us. We must ask Him while in awe of Him. Knowing that He is the Almighty. We must respect God. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. And the common factor? Keep knocking. Don't stop.

Ask, Seek, Knock. . . Wait for a Response.


~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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