Sunday 8 March 2015

Love Yourself

I'm talking especially to women here who have experienced drastic changes in their bodies. Or those who have been put down by comment made against their body features. Love yourself.

Even the Master instructs us to love others as WE LOVE OURSELVES. I may not be an image consultant, but I do know that how you feel about yourself affects your mind. It twists or straightens your believe system. You must believe in yourself. You must come to terms with the changes that's occurred in your body. Choose to see yourself through the eyes of God.

Tell it to yourself that you are beautiful. Look yourself in the mirror, appreciate God's handwork. Write it down or post it in places where you can easily see it that you are special and adorable.

Take care of yourself too. Wear clothes you love. Wear those that flatter you figure. Clothes that glorify God and depicts a princess of The Most High. Not exposing nakedness but something you feel good in. Pamper yourself. Get a pedicure/manicure. Get facial treatments done. You could get a massage. I know what I'm saying. I do pay much attention to myself too as much as I can. Even if I'm not moving out of the house, I dress up, put on make up and sometimes take selfies. #grin.

I appreciate how God made me. I pick the endowment one after the other. I thank God for my eye lashes, my eye brow, my hair texture, my figure, my height, my legs, my complexion, my teeth, my lips. . . Do same constantly. That way, no one can put you down. What they say won't get at you. Demeaning comments pass through your right ear and out through the left. It just won't stick. Shower yourself with much love. Drink of it. Get drunk and intoxicated in the Love of God which made Him make you like He did.

Love Yourself!

 If you don't do it, who will?

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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