Sunday 8 March 2015

We Are God's

God is the creator and owner of our lives. He has the world in His hands. Everything and everyone is in His full control. He has power over them all. He owns us and wants it to remain that way. But sin separated us from Him. He desired that Adam and Eve would remain in the garden of Eden so that He could continually have a sweet fellowship with them but that couldn't go on forever. God still seeks working relationships with His children. And He never has a problem. We are always the weak links.

Who are those that are His?
They that have clean hands. Those who do not soil their hands with sin and corruption. They that do not touch any unclean thing. They have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Their hands do not take what is not theirs. Their hands take no bribe. Their hands do not falsify documents. Their hands do not write fake reports or write wrong judgements. Their hands do not manipulate measures they use to sell to their customers. Their hands do not fight. Their hands do not make inappropriate gesticulations. Their hands are raised in adoration of The Most High God because they are clean; holy indeed. They are the ones that are qualified to sing, "So we lift up holy hands in one accord. . ."

The legitimate children of God have pure hearts. Their hearts are ciircumcized. They have received the heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone. Their hearts hold no grudges. Their hearts wish no one evil. Their hearts are not rotten. No corrupt thoughts are found in them. Their hearts do not plot revenge. Their hearts do not desire another person's spouse. They know that God cannot behold iniquity and they avoid it like a plague.

No form of falsehood is found in them. They follow the path of truth at all times. They don't lie, they say it as it is. They are not deceptive. When they say something is red, it is red and not pink. They are not manipulative.

They are the ones who can go up the mountain of the Lord. They are the ones that God listens to and speaks to. They are connected to God. These are true children of the Most High.

Who shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully (Psalm 24:3-4).

May God help us to be qualified to stand in His Holy Place in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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