Wednesday 11 March 2015

Planning A Restful Weekend

The weekend is supposed to be a time for rest from the week-long labour. But what happens? It's when the backlog of house chores are cleared. It is during the weekends too that you attend to social functions. And then prepare for the next working week.

¤ Decide to have a restful weekend. You need to choose to take time out for proper rest. You need it. You must realize that you need some "me" time.

¤ Start planning for the rest period right from the beginning of the week. Start from Sunday. Envision what you want the weekend to be like. Start preparing your mind for the rest at the end of the week.

¤ You need to soak yourself in the decision to have a restful weekend. Be deliberate. By this I mean talk about your planned rest. Talk to people around you about it. You get to the office, tell your colleagues something like, "I can't wait for Friday to get here". Talk about it everyday of the week until the day finally arrives.

¤ Choose to say "No". Say no to functions or assignments that could rob you of the proposed rest.

God gives His beloved sleep!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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