Sunday 8 March 2015

Brides' And Brides' Maids' Dresses

What do I call this horrible sight? Or should I say disgusting? I wonder at some dresses ladies wear as their wedding gown. Some others dress themselves sensibly and choose indecent dresses for their bridesmaids. It's totally appalling.

This must not be seen amongst us as children of God. What baffles me most is the fact that it's the 'so-called' Christian ladies that are found in the habit of dressing indecently at weddings and other occasions. Some cover up themselves only because of church rules which are against revealing dresses. You get to the reception and start to wonder if you missed your way because the bride has been transformed. She's now dressed as if she's the host at a strip club.

We are daughters of the King of kings. Let's stop disgracing our Father. We are expected to be role models. Let's show the world how it's supposed to be. It shouldn't be the other way round. We should be the standard they look up to reach. Stop letting the world look down on us.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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