Sunday 8 March 2015

Maybe It's Time To Check Out

If you are not happy going to that office of yours or you wake up on a Monday morning and all you can think about is how you could skip work, something is wrong somewhere. Everyday of your working life, is actually part of your life. You tend to spend most of your day at work and if you are unhappy on the job I could almost say that you are an unhappy person.

I bet it's hightime you left that job. You most likely are not where you should be or doing what you should be doing. You either need to look inward or look out of the box of your job. Maybe you are supposed to be running your own business or totally on another line of work. It's time to prayerfully find out.

Many people just pick up jobs because they want to make money. Life is not all about money. What should be utmost in our hearts is fulfilling purpose. Is being on that job part of the plan? Are you on the path God has charted for you? This is a serious issue and it burdens my heart to see people places where they are not supposed to be.

God has a plan/purpose for each one of us. There is a length of time attached to each step too. Do you recognize when it's "Time up"? Do you keep clinging on to the phase you should have stepped out from? At that point, you can not be fulfilled where you are forcing yourself to be.

When I was on my Masters' degree program, I picked up a teaching job. I was convinced that God wanted me there. It was a marvellous experience working with those children then. To the glory of God, a brother (from my fellowship then) and I worked together to establish a students' fellowship and a staff fellowship; which are still functioning till now. I was able to reach out to young children, they confided in me, and God helped me to counsel and guide them. Many brought their parents to see me, some were led to Christ, . . . (And I'm still in contact with some of them). I was there for one session and I thought I'd return for the new session since I had not gotten another job but God said, "Time up". It was time to leave the job. I was still trying to reason it out and I just didn't have peace. I begun feeling like an alien and often stressed out from the trouble of teaching the young children. I resigned but the management wouldn't accept my resignation. They pleaded with me to stay with them. They offered me a higher pay and even talked and talked about the fact that I had not gotten another job but my decision was made. I found joy in moving on. It was time for a new phase, and God led me into it gallantly. It gives me total joy and a sense of fulfilment. My husband would always say, "You are never tired when it comes to baking cakes and doing other handworks". I find joy doing them. I might be totally fagged out before I begin doing them, but once I start, I will have excess strength and you begin to wonder what's going on. I do wonder too.

Don't just jump into any job or business. If God is left out of the equation, you have just signed up for dissatisfaction, a high level of stress, unhappiness, etc. I will tell you categorically that I didn't just write applications aimlessly. My friends used to say I was unserious. While everyone was running around to apply for jobs outside of what I was sure was God's course for me, I would just sit still. Don't be tossed around like a leaf on the sea.

Stop wasting your time. Don't spend the greater portion of your life in aimless chases. Let God hold you by the hand and lead you to and through where He has purposed for you. Live a purposeful life!

~Omosebi, Mary Omolola

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