Saturday 28 March 2015

Maybe It's Not Your Fault

Usually, when men decide to stray out of their marriages and back down on their marriage vows, the next thing people say is, "Woman, you must have driven him out by yourself." They go on to say that it must be because she is not patient with him enough. Or that maybe she is not dressing properly or that she has grown fat. Some even assume that it must be because she is not sexually exciting.

Alright, let's face the fact. It is true that some women could be involved in doing some things that could lead to the man wanting to seek solace outside his home. I still want to say categorically that some women cannot be held responsible. Some women actually bend over backward just to please their husbands. They do the 'monkey banana pose' (don't even ask me what that means). They are busy from morning till morning, all in a bid to please these husbands. They won't talk back at their husbands. In short, these women are just near perfect. But their husbands still cheat. Now whose fault is that?

Yes, do a proper scrutiny. Check yourself through the eyes of God. I mean, let the Holy Spirit examine you. Once He passes you, you are free from guilt. Stop taking the blame for what you are not even responsible for. All you can do for him is to pray for him. And keep doing the good that you have been doing. Protect yourself. Love him. He needs help. Believe that God will bring him back home. But please, don't kill yourself before he returns.

I pray for every family where a spouse is into adultery, that God will heal these homes in Jesus' name. Father, help the cheating spouses retrace their steps home. Help them repent from their sins. Help them seek to honour You by keeping to their marriage vows. Let every spell be broken. Let peace be restored. Let Your love for each other be deeply sitted in their hearts. Help the cheated spouse forgive the spouse who is cheating. Let there be divine restoration in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

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