Saturday 28 February 2015

You Can Only Get What You Plant

Reaping what you sow is one of the laws of nature. You can NEVER harvest one thing when you have planted something else. You don't get lettuce by planting spinach. The seed you plant basically determines the fruit you get.

Marriage is a lot like that- we never get out of marriage what we do not put into it.

I read from Dennis Rainey: One man confessed, "At work I concentrate on winning, and as a result, I am a winner. At home, however, I concentrate on just getting by."

It's no wonder he is losing. The seed he planted, neglected, grows of its own accord. It grows wild. Untamed. Far from being a safe haven.

Many people loose at home because they do not invest in their marriages. They spend majority of their time at work and when they leave work, they are still working. Their focus is on their work. They plan for the office but they don't plan to have successful marriages. They don't value their marriages. They have misplaced priorities. They refuse to take care of the garden God has placed them in- their homes.

Leviticus 25:5 says, "Don't reap what grows of itself; don't harvest the grapes of your untended vines." You shouldn't expect to reap goodness from a plant you have not given goodness.

Care or lack of care of the plant will affect the quality of your fruit. For instance, if you refuse to wet your vegetables, expect shriveled leaves for harvest. That, though, would not change the name of what you harvest still. So, it's still about the seed.

If a business goes bankrupt, the president or chairman of the board is held responsible. Similarly, if our homes fail, you and I are responsible for the damage in one way or another.

 We must master the ageless art of leadership and apply it to our families. If we hope to win at home, then we must consider what kind of harvest we want in the end. If we plant seeds of commitment to Christ and to one another, along with seeds of forgiveness and respect, we might well expect that God will grant us a great harvest.

Give quality time to your marriage. You want beautiful flowers? Take time to prune your plant. Plant quality seeds. Weed your farmland. Tend your garden of love!

May God grant grace that we may yield to His admonition for us today in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

It's A Girl? So?

I don't just get it. I thought the fact that more people are getting formal education was going to change things a bit. I still hear so many men talk as if they have never visited a school.  I guess we need to send these men compulsorily to Biology classes all over again. Once the wife is pregnant, the next thing they are after is if it's going to be a girl or a boy. Some are so terribly barbaric that once they find out they are expecting a girl, they won't take extra care of their wives even while pregnant. Then I wonder, Is it not a woman that gave birth to him?

And the saddest part is when mothers-in-law and sisters-in-law start WWIII with the daughter-in-law/sister-in-law. I then ask myself, "Are they not women themselves?" And they have the audacity to say that female children are worthless.

As if a woman is not a human being. I am not a feminist or what's it called.  I just imagine if there was no woman, how men would have given birth (I can't even begin to imagine). I am a woman and I can categorically say to the glory of God that I am not worthless. I don't regret being a woman for any reason. Or, can someone say I am not a blessed child? Even if anyone says that, God hasn't said that. I know who I am in Him.

These people make the women feel like they are responsible for determining the sex of their child. They tell them, "Is it only girls you will be giving birth to?" Some men even threaten to get another lady pregnant. Then I ask myself and answer the question at the same time: Is he God? No!!!!!! There is no certainty that the other woman will have a boy for him either. God decides what sex he gives. That makes me wonder when some women stress themselves out by trying all sorts of things that people have said can help you choose the sex of the baby you will have. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking that it's your fault you are having a baby girl. Love your baby. Take care of your baby. Above all, thank God for blessing you with a baby. Remember that some people would love to have what you do, but they don't just yet. Males and females are the same before God. Appreciate God for the privilege of motherhood.

The women too fall for the threats and continue to get pregnant over and over again. I have seen several cases where women who in the name of trying for a male child after several female children have had severe health challenges or even died. Some of these men even start having extra-marital affairs. They claim that their wives are no longer as attractive or agile as they were before. But what do they expect? After the woman has gone through the rigours of pregnancy and childbirth severally? This is sheer wickedness.

In case you don't know, the woman has only the X-chromosome to donate. It's the man that God has placed the 'joker' in. If he donates the X-chromosome, it's a girl. And if it's the Y-chromosome, it's going to be a boy.

If you are guilty of this gender-bias, you need to stop it. I beg you by the mercies of God to have a change of mind. Children are gifts from God irrespective of their gender. Parents must be grateful for these precious gifts.
#penningmythoughts #stillinshockatsomecases

God created man in His image- Male and Female created He them!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Disagree To Agree

For any relationship at all to thrive, the partners must learn the principle of disagreeing to agree. By the reason of our individual diversity and uniqueness, there will always be reasons to disagree with each other's opinions. It is just normal that people don't always have exactly the same opinions about every issue.

Paul encourages us to act like Jesus. We must work towards pleasing others rather than ourselves. Romans 15:3 tells us that even Jesus did not please Himself. He gave up His rights to save us. We are to imitate Christ.

We must love others as we love ourselves. We must know that we can not always win arguments. Love does not seek its own. Love looks out for the good and happiness of others. If love motivates us, we would easily let go of issues that cause disagreements between us and our brethren (or sisteren). We must be sensitive to those around us.

Having said that, we must decide to keep in perspective what we are disagreeing about. The issue is the problem not your spouse, sibling or friend.  Deal with the problem at hand and seek to come back together as a united force. A little compromise (definitely not a compromise that's sin) might be all you need. Focus on the issue being trashed out not on trashing that person.

I pray that God's love will fill our hearts. May God mend every precious relationship that has been broken because of inability to manage disagreements in Jesus' name!

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Thursday 26 February 2015

Watch Your Company

Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character (1 Corinthians 15:33 AMP).

You may say that you don't believe in what those friends of yours say or do. You may even swear that you can never do what they do but you remain close friends with them. It's true that you are not doing the things they do now but you are definitely setting yourself up for corruption. You go to every party with them; you visit peppersoup joints with them, they are your pals; they buy suya with the money they get from fornicating and you eat out of it, you spend some of their 'yahoo yahoo' proceeds, and you still say you are not part of them? I am so sorry, you are delving into what would most likely destroy you. Stop deceiving yourself.

Do you know what you're doing to yourself? You are allowing yourself to be injected with evil. It might be in small doses but you are still being injected anyway. The eyes and ears are gateways to the heart. What your eyes and ears are fed with get deposited gradually in the heart. Just like they say, "Little drops make a mighty ocean."

"Flee all appearances of evil" is the admonition The Bible gives us. It means don't even smell evil. Don't stay close to it else you fall for it and by it. In my culture, there is a saying that is interpreted as "Don'take close to your nose what you don't have the intention of eating." Do you get the message? Just as you are trying to perceive the odour/aroma/fragrance of that thing your so-called friends are dangling in front of you, you might mistakenly taste it, take a spoonful and then maybe eat the whole plate.

Sin creeps in while we are unaware. It takes us over gradually. The more reason we have to be very careful.

May God grant us the grace to resist the devil. May The Lord help us discern every trap the enemy has set for us. And may He grant us the power we need to pull away from every evil companionship in Jesus' name!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Isolation: A Killer Of Marriage

I have heard many couples say things like "We just grew apart". Especially when marriages of many years break. They then announce "We are splitting due to irreconcilable differences".  I have given this a lot of thought and I have come to realize that isolation is a gradual process. I believe it's because pending issues are not dealt with on time. The couple lives under the same roof for years. They even wear uniform clothes to occasions but still they are miles apart. Their hearts are nowhere from being one. Sadly, young couples too can have this problem called isolation.

Some of the root causes of isolation are
-Unforgiveness. Conflicts are normal. Resolving them though require maturity. If there has been build up of unattended hurts, unresolved issues, the couple is gradually being drawn apart from each other. Unforgiveness deposits layers of scales in the pipe your love and of course, the longer this continues, the thicker the scales. It clogs the pipe of love.

-Insincerity. By that I mean one or both parties live with their partner to make a show or just to keep the peace. They don't say things as they are. Such a relationship looks perfect on the surface but has no roots in love. They do what they do because they don't want a scandal not because they want a working relationship.

- Competition. One party wants to look better than the other. Team spirit is not at work in such a marriage. Everyone is fighting for himself/herself. The "We" idea is lost. The "Me" syndrome has eaten deep into such a home One person wants to take all the credit for any good that happens. Isolation from one another is the result of this attitude.

Have you grown apart? Do you feel isolated from your spouse? The choice is yours to mend the broken bridge between you or not. Our choices as married people either draw us closer to our spouses or away from them.

You must decide what you want. Once you decide that you want unity restored to your marriage, go to God in prayers. Ask Him to bring you and your partner close together. Next is to have a talk with your spouse. Then you must take practical steps to cease from shutting your partner out of your life. Share information. Share details. Be naked and not ashamed. Communicate without fear of being condemned and be ready to listen too, without condemning your spouse. Decide not to go to bed with unresolved conflicts. Let the change begin with you. These are things you need to make up your mind to do.

I pray this day for marriages dealing with isolation, Lord bring them back together. Everything that is trying to (or has) put them assunder be removed in Jesus' name. I ask that the Blood of Jesus will seal every crack in the walls of these marriages. Father, help them walk in unity. Help them touch each other deeply. May these marriages experience divine restoration in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Monday 23 February 2015

No Condemnation

When God forgives us, we are truly forgiven. He forgets our transgressions at the point when we ask Him for forgiveness. He wipes our slate clean. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. And it does it perfectly. God makes us white as snow. He does not leave any trace of the old. He makes all things new for us. He gives a totally new beginning. O, how merciful He is!

But the devil always wants to mess with you. He wants you to remain stuck in the past. He keeps reminding you of the things God has forgotten about. He doesn't want you to walk in the freedom God has given you. So, what does he do? He does all he can to keep you under the heavy weight of guilt. It keeps you from receiving the free gift God has made available for you. It keeps you behind. You won't move forward. This guilt gives you a feeling of worthlessness.

God does not want that for you. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Jesus is the truth. When Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed.

The next time the devil comes to you with that baggage of guilt, simply tell him:
"THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. . .For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death (Romans 8:1,2).

Your Reaction Towards A Jealous Spouse

Just like the adage says that "there is no smoke without a fire", many times, a spouse's jealousy might be attached to an iota of truth- if not a truck load. If your spouse is jealous, don't just discard the signs he/she is exhibiting. What to do? EXAMINE YOURSELF.

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the spirits (Proverbs 16:2).

It could be frustrating dealing with false accusations from your mate. However, don't be quick to try to exonerate yourself. You may have done nothing wrong to prompt your spouse's accusations, yet you may have contributed to the problem in ways you have not seen.  You might be guilty as charged. You just may have set yourself up. When cases of jealousy exhibition from your spouse comes up, do some self-evaluation, trusting The Holy Spirit to help you through the process. The heart is deceitful above all things, only God can do a through searching. He sees the crevices harbouring guilty actions which even you, the heart's owner may not see.

I am not in anyway suggesting that it is all your fault. As a matter of fact, it is possible that your spouse really needs help. It might be that your spouse has some issues with security stemming from the background or past relationships. I am however not here to talk about your spouse today.

This checklist by Doug Britton will be of help. Answer the following questions honestly:

___Do you do or say things to get a reaction?

___  Do you feel more desirable or attractive when your spouse is jealous?

___  Do you think it is cute when your mate is jealous?

___  Do you flirt with others?

___  Do you look at pornography?

___  Do you watch TV sitcoms or movies that highlight sexual innuendoes?

___  Do you stare at others?

___  Do you deny staring when your spouse confronts you—even though the accusation was true?

___  Do you make complimentary comments about others of the opposite sex?

___  Are you developing an emotional relationship with someone else?

___  Are you having an affair?

___  Do you emphasize physical attractiveness in your compliments?

Note: If you emphasize physical attractiveness in your compliments, your spouse may be insecure in your love, thinking you love him or her for physical reasons and not for his or her inner qualities. Your spouse may fear becoming less attractive and losing you.

If one or more of the above points applies to you, be honest with your spouse. Don't tell him or her, "You have a problem," or, "It's all in your head." Instead, tell the truth, ask for forgiveness, then go to work on making the changes you should make.

Sometimes, God allows our spouses to see in us things we are insensitive to. He wants to save us from falling. That's why the Bible tells us that "two are better than one". Your spouse is your help. Your spouse might be seeing a danger sign. Don't discard any points raised by your spouse without thoroughly allowing it to go through the courthouse of The Holy Spirit.

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

How Much Of The Word?

People go to the market to buy food stuffs in different quantities. Some go there to buy in cups, others in bags while some others buy full trucks. The one who buys a truckload of rice has more than enough. It's either he is a businessman who buys to make profit after selling the bags of rice. Or he wants to give out to those in need. One way or the other, he has more than he can consume alone for the next 10 years.

My point exactly? The measure you possess is the measure with which you can give. We are ministers of Christ; labourers together in His vineyard. We are comforted so that we can comfort others. We are admonished so that we can admonish others.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.(Colossians 3:16)

How much of the Word of God do you have stuck up in your spirit man? What do you spend your time on? In what exactly do you invest?

Some people have clothes and shoes in their closets which they haven't worn in years. And they keep acquiring more. They however, have not even bought a single book that will aid spiritual growth in like forever. Even their Bibles are so tattered that they have cast several layers of POP on the Bible. Stop spending your money on what is not bread. And your wages on what does not satisfy (Isaiah 55:2). You can decide that a particular amount of money from your income every month would go into buying resource materials that will help you grow.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. It's time to brace up. Rise up from that seat of mediocrity. Invest in things that will build up your spirit. Fill your heart with the Word of God. His word is food to our spirits. And that's not an idiom. The Word is food (Jeremiah 15:16). The Word of God is life and it is light. Seek the Word with all of your heart. Eat the Word. Drink the Word. Breath the Word. Wear the Word. Live in the Word.

Much has been given to you. Much is expected from you. You should be cracking bones now, yet you can only still digest milk. It's time to grow up. So that you can fulfill God's purpose. I believe He does not want you to be a lake; always receiving and never flowing out. You should be a river. Flow out! That way, you remain fresh because there is a constant flow from the source (God) to you. Let the Word flow out from you unto others.

My prayer today: Fill my cup Lord; I lift it up Lord! Come and quench this thirst in my soul, Bread of life, fill me till I am satisfied! More of You Lord I pray for!

Even For The Little, Praise God!

As I looked at Isaiah 1:9, my spirit got a leap. God could have decided that He would leave you with nothing but He in His mercy has given you that 'little' blessing to hold on to. He could have wiped you out because He has the power to do whatever He wills but He decided against it. He has left you with a ray of hope. He has given you a reason to know that He is for you and not against You. He is mindful of you. One thing I know: God leaves the 'remnant' because He loves us.  It is not about what we do right. It is His mercy at work.

If the LORD of Heaven’s Armies had not spared a few of us, we would have been wiped out like Sodom, destroyed like Gomorrah. ( Isaiah 1 : 9 NLT )
It is true that right now you don't have all you want. You may not be where you perceive you should be. You might have even lost some things you had laboured for. You have pursued and pursued, but it seems that those blessings keep taking to their heels once the sight you. You just can't seem to be able to achieve anything good. Everything is turning upside down. The road is closing in on you and there seems to be no way of escape. Your rent is due. . . No job in sight. . . Your health is failing. . .Your marriage is collapsing. . . Men keep proposing to you and cancelling the proposals. . . The list goes on and on. You tell yourself, "Nothing is working."

Though the road might seem rough; and situations so tough for you. It seems all you can see is utter darkness. I want you to look intently, look critically at your life. I am so sure there is something to be thankful for. Yes, you have passed through the deep waters of affliction but it has not overpowered you. You have passed through the fire of torture but you have not been consumed. You are still standing. You are here today only because of His grace. His mercy has kept you thus far. In your trials, He has been with you. The Lord, He is mighty. His tender mercies endure FOREVER!

He has given you hope. He has given you life.

I am certain that God is good no matter what is going on in your life. Sing a new song to Him today. Acknowledge Him for who He is. HE IS GOD!

He is the unchanging changer.
He has the final say over your life.
When He opens, no one can shut.
He knows what's best for you and what time is best that the blessing is delivered to you.

For that 'small' remnant, praise Him!

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

From My Diary - 17/01/2015

I watched a movie yesterday (which I had actually seen before). It got to a point when a boy in the movie who was swimming at a competition died as he got to the finish line. It was his coffin that got decorated with the medal. He never got to hold the prize.

He had gone through serious rigours of training. He had sacrificed. He had prepared for the competition. He had worked so hard for this. His mother was waiting on him to come out of the water a champion. She was screaming, cheering him on and he made it to the end. He however didn't come out alive. His testimony was told by someone else.

My spirit was inspired to pray. To pray that
I shall witness the glory of my shining.
That I will not be missing at the time of my honour.
That I shall not labour in vain.
That I shall not sow for another to reap.
That I shall not become a bad news.
That I my rightful place shall not be taken from me.
That my testimony shall break forth.

Are you praying the same for yourself?

A Tree Is Known By Its Fruits

A tree is known by its fruit and not its size or leaves. For instance, you might not be able to differentiate between a plantain tree and a banana tree until the fruit is seen. You can call yourself by any name but it is what you produce that will tell us what you are. The tree has to be made good before it can produce good fruits. There is hope for those who are bad because by the grace of God, we can become good.

Matthew 7:18-20: A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Luke 6:44: For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If you spit out rottenness in form of words, it means only one thing: your heart is rotten.

Some claim that what people can see outside of a christian does not matter. They believe that it's their 'self acclaimed' heart righteousness that matters. It is actually impossible to have God dwelling on your inside and then act out evil. There is no way your heart will be in a circumcised state and fruits of uncircumcision will be seen to manifest on the outside. It is just IMPOSSIBLE.

What do you then say of Matthew 5:16- Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. God wants our good works to be SEEN. It has to be evident. You don't have to announce that your heart is full of good works. People will see these works because they are what they really are- WORKS.

Good and bad preachers are known by their doctrines. The doctrines either agree with or disagree with The Word of God.

A regenerated being will bear fruits of the Holy Spirit. I hope you know them: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Evaluate yourself, look yourself in the mirror of The Holy Spirit (note that I did not say your own spirit's mirror because you could have the wrong judgement). Which fruits are your bearing? Fruits of the flesh or The fruit of The Holy Spirit?

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Be Alert!

Some years back, I heard about how some thieves wrote a letter to a particular community informing them of their plans to visit them with the aim of robbing them. In their letter, they indicated the date of their visit. Of course, the people in that community had beefed up their security. Lo and behold, the day came and the thieves didn’t show up.

The community kept watching and waiting for the thieves to come as they had said for weeks after the date they had said they would come. Then the expected happened. They began to relax. And it was when they had let down their guard that the thieves decided to attack. They met them unprepared.

This scenario is a good description of what happens in the spiritual realm. When we sleep off spiritually, we give the devil room to operate in our lives without caution. It is at that time he plants undesirable seeds in our lives, homes, business, etc. The more we sleep and refuse to wake up to uproot these plants, the more he waters the plants and cultivates them so that they can grow with roots firmly placed in our lives and fruits to show.

We must be alert at all times for the sneak attacks of the evil one.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1Peter 5:8)

When we resist the devil in the name and power of Jesus, he must flee from us. We must not take chances. The devil is not someone you play the dumb game with. Nothing like the silent treatment. Resist him. Stand your ground firmly.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7b)

When under attack by the tempter, Jesus relied on the word of God to resist the lies of his adversary.

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, . . . (Matthew 4:4)

The sword of the Spirit is made available for us. When the devil raised his ugly head, use the Word. Don't underutilize this amazing instrument of war.

Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11).

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We definitely do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Your husband or wife is not the enemy, the devil who is manipulating him is. So instead of fighting him or her with your cutting words, strike actions, silent treatments, . . . Face the real enemy.

 Make sure you are fully kitted. Put on the WHOLE armour of God. . . so you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. He is very cunning and a manipulator so you yourself must stay alert. He creeps in subtly, tackle him with the word. You are sure to win with God on your side.

May God grant us victory in every spiritual warfare in Jesus' name!

~ OMOSEBI Mary Omolola
© 2015

I am a product of Grace!

Here's the summary of my testimony:
His grace has been sufficient for me indeed. The race is not always to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor satisfaction to the wise, Nor riches to the smart, Nor grace to the learned. It's purely God at work in my life. He brought me out of darkness into His marvellous light. All of His own volition. I did nothing to merit His grace which He has bestowed upon me. I didn't choose Him, He chose me. I am saved by the undeserved grace of The Lord Jesus. I am standing by grace. His grace and mercy are at work in my life. I see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with me and I can't but bow in worship.

I am nothing outside God. But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favour on me. He just counted me worthy to be a recipient of His grace. By His grace I am what I am. I realize I need God, He gives me strength. Of myself, I am weak. But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He declares that I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

From his abundance i have received one gracious blessing after another.  In his grace, God has given me different gifts for doing certain things well. I'm alive today only because of His grace. His grace has taken me through the very tough and rough times of my life. His grace is still made abundantly available for me now. I recognize the working of God's grace and all I can say more is:

"To God be the glory great things He hath done. . ."
"Great things He hath thought me. . ."
"All the glory must be to the LORD!"

This is my story. My testimony. I am a product of the grace of God. May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Seek His Face Not His Hands

One book that has greatly affected my life positively is "God Chasers" by Tommy Tenney. My mind flashed back to the message from that book this morning. I read the book several years back but I can still remember the focus of the book. And that is to seek God relentlessly.

As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I go and stand before him? (Psalm 42:1-2)

We should long for God like the Psalmist did. He looked forward to being in God's presence. Just like the deer looks anxiously for water to quench it's thirst, we, God's children should seek Him with eagerness. We all know how essential water is to life. No one can thrive for a long time without water. Every fibre of our being should crave Him. We must thirst for Him. Desire Him. He is the Bread and water of life. He alone satisfies.

A step further is the reason for seeking Him. This of course is the most important aspect of seeking God. Why do you worship God? Why are you doing the things you say you are doing for God? What's the motive? You know, many people actually 'serve' God because of what they want. They are into a 'trade by batter' relationship. They come to Him because they want miracles. They sleep in the temple only because they are in trouble. That's why many people only declare fasts when they see trouble looming. They declare several days of fasting with the motive of pleading with God to save them from their sorrows. They only seek Him when their boats are sinking.

Agitation and fear are the things that brings them. They are not driven by love for God but by the desire for solution to their problems. They act like they can just use God. They flood His house when exams are drawing near, when they are troubled by sickness, when their bank accounts are slipping into red, when their homes are at the verge of breaking, etc. Once all their issues are sorted, they simply slip into default mode. Whatever happened to fasting to just have a feel of God? What happened to just wanting to have a sweet fellowship with God and nothing else?

That was it for Moses. He sought God not because He wanted food on his table or because he had a business deal he wanted to seal.

He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel (Psalm 103:7).

The Message translation says, "He showed Moses how he went about his work". I love that. We must remember the sacrifices that Moses made to be in God's presence. He went several days without the comfort of a triangular meal plan or his bed, to receive from God what His mind for the people was. He was then handed the privilege of knowing the 'secrets' of God. He was not an acquaintance who came only when he ran short of salt while cooking, he was a friend of God. He spent time with God and He reaped what He sowed. He sowed quality time and reaped quality results.

Someone who seeks God's face and not His hands, is someone who says in his heart, "Even if I am not given what I am asking from God the way I desire it, I will not go back from following Him. His desire to be with the Lord is driven by love. Lack or a 'no' to my requests will not dwindle my love for Him". Just like the Hebrew boys who refused to bow to any graven image, we must decide too that no matter what happens, God will remain first in our lives. What can separate us from the love of God?

Seek God's face. Seek to know Him. Seek first His kingdom and righteousness. Set your priorities straight. Seek His face and see Him open up His hands to you in blessing!

May God increase our understanding in Jesus' name!

I pray for the burden to seek God relentlessly henceforth to come upon our hearts in Jesus' name.

~OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

Friday 20 February 2015

Prayers For Our Children

Dear Lord, we thank you for the gift of children in our homes. Thanks for the privilege to be entrusted with such marvellous treasures. They are Yours.

Dear Lord, we pray this day for every child, draw them to yourself. Help them to revere and worshipfully fear You (Ps. 34:11). Teach them Your way by Yourself. For Your Word says that our children will be taught by The Lord and great shall be their peace (Is. 54:13)

Shield them from every evil all over the world. Blindfold their enemies. They will not be victims of any form of evil circumstance. No enchantment nor divination against them shall stand (Num. 23:23). Renew their strength; bless them with perfect health and a sound mind. Help them grow in wisdom, stature and favour with You and men (Lk. 2:52).

We pray for every child that is bringing sorrow to the parents, Lord, turn their lives around. Let them be sources of joy to them henceforth. Help every one of them that's going wayward to retrace their steps to you. Every good and perfect gift is from You (James 1:17). Help us as parents to do our part faithfully (Prov. 22:6)

We also use them as point of contact to those waiting on You for gifts of children, please answer them speedily.
Thank You Lord for hearing us in Jesus' precious Name we pray! Amen!

Prayers For Those Waiting Upon The Lord For Life Partners

Dear Lord, we thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for making us women.

We pray that you will grant unto these ones the bone of their bone and the flesh of their flesh. Let the men you desire in Your heart for them find them out. Connect them Yourself.

Beautify their lives. Prepare them for this noble ministry of marriage Yourself. Equip them with the spirit of excellence. Let them keep You in perspective. Help them have the right attitude and outlook to marriage.

Discard every worldly standard from their minds.

Let every wrong relationship be scattered. Open their eyes to see every little detail they need to take cognisance of.

We come against every plan of the enemy against every godly God-ordained relationship. Provide for everyone of them ready for marriage but finance is a challenge.

Thank you Dear Lord for hearing us, in Jesus' name.

Prayers For Chibok Girls

Hope we have not forgotten to keep praying for the girls that were kidnapped in Chibok?
Please remember to pray for them again this evening. Continue praying for them please. Don't let the burden die. These girls shall be released by the power in the name of Jesus. For these girls are engraved on the palms of God even if we people are beginning to forget about them.

God's promise: Look around you and see, for all your children will come back to you. . .  This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I will give a signal to the godless nations. They will carry your little sons back to you in their arms; they will bring your daughters on their shoulders. . . But the LORD says, “The captives of warriors will be released, and the plunder of tyrants will be retrieved.
For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children. I will feed your enemies with their own flesh. They will be drunk with rivers of their own blood. All the world will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel.”(Is. 49:18a, 22, 25-26). Find them out for us Dear Lord, we believe in you. With You, nothing shall be impossible.

Prepare For Sex In Marriage

Someone is soon going to ask me what I'm up to today. I'm up to good. I have had the urge to write on this subject for a while now, I believe it's time now. The church usually shies away from the subject of sex in marriage. Many can't even say the word "Sex". But that's the name now. And to face the fact, it is a major factor that leads to discord in marriages, and christian marriages are not left out.

I'm actually focusing my attention on my beautiful single sisters today. " If you fail to prepare, you are prepared to fail" Do you know that saying? Well, I think it's true. You must prepare your mind for sex in marriage. Sex is God's gift to His children. It is to be enjoyed STRICTLY within the confines of marriage.

The mind is the greatest organ of sex. So, you must train your mind. Prepare your mind that you will enjoy sex in your marriage. I am usually startled when I hear how women portray sex as if it's some hard task. They make it sound like it's only the man that should enjoy sex, and the women are only tools to satisfy the men.  Well, sorry, it's not true.

Before I got married, I read several books on lovemaking in marriage. As I prepared for the wedding, I went shopping for stuffs for the honeymoon with one of my sisters from the fellowship. We entered a lingerie shop and I picked the most 'sexy' ones out. I guess she was wondering what had come upon 'Sister' Lola because she advised me to pick some more 'modest' types. I decided against it anyway. O yes, those close to me perceived me to be a 'spiri sister' as they call it. Let me tell you something, lovemaking in marriage is the binding of the soul. Your spirits get entwined. Take it From me, lovemaking in marriage is spiritual. I went fully armed into marriage. I was loaded with ideas. I researched the nitty grittiest of lovemaking just before the wedding. I was prepared. It didn't reduce my spirituality. And I am still very spiritual to the glory of God. Amen!

I am practically getting tired of the sickness in marriages caused by a preventable factor. We need to do something about it. i guess we can start by talking about it. Let the change start with us daughters of Zion. Please, have a change of mindset. Prepare so you don't fail.

I trust God that this seed will produce good fruit. May the Lord increase our understanding.

~OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

Thursday 19 February 2015

Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

That is John 11:35. The shortest verse in the Bible. . . And this will probably be my shortest writing.

Jesus wept when He found out about the death of His friend Lazarus.

Jesus loves His friends so much. He feels their pains. He understands what they are going through. He empathises with them.

Are you His friend?
He cares about you!

~OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Fire From Heaven

I have read the Bible through a number of times but if you asked me prior this time about the instances where fire descended from Heaven and consumed offerings/ sacrifices in the Bible, I would mention the case of Elijah alone. There is always a new thing from The Bible you know.

Solomon's prayer at the occasion of the dedication of the Temple received the attention of Heaven. Fire came straight from Heaven and consumed the sacrifice. I never really paid attention to this part.

WHEN SOLOMON had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the house. The priests could not enter the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house (2Chronicles 7:1-2).

Wow! A rare happening. Fire didn't come down from heaven everyday. It wasn't a random happening. God sent down fire on this special occassion.

One thing that strikes my heart is that the dedication of the Temple was opening a new chapter in the lives of the Israelites. It was symbolic of the start of a new round of fellowship with God. This is what had always longed for. This is restoration. Reconciliation.

Our fellowship with God is very important to Him. He looks forward to being with His children, I believe. The opening up of the Temple triggered the fall of the fire. Our desire to fellowship with God excites Him. We are the temple of God. We must open up for Him to come in- He wants to sup and dwell with us. We are made for worship. We live for the worship of God. God did not make you basically for that job you are doing, that job that is taking over your life and doesn't allow you have time for proper worship of The Only Living God. That job should be a means of worship and not your life. That is why Christianity is a way of life. Marriage, child-bearing, business, schooling, employment, . . . everything we are involved in must be worship to God. That is when we can say we are living life as God intended.

We must set our priorities right. Rededicate your life to God. Have you lost your first love (That love that consumed you when you first believed)? You know where you left it. Go seek it out and be clothed again with the garment of His love. Allow yourself to be wrapped up by the love of God- in His presence. In His presence, there is fullness of joy. In His presence, there is liberation. Fire falls and consumes everything that needs to be consumed, in His presence. Impossibility turn to possibility; you are transformed into the supernatural. . . in His presence.

Open up to God today and see your life change for good. It is the only way!

-OMOSEBI Mary Omolola

He Who Has An Ear

The sayings that go thus: "You can force a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink" and "The dog that will go missing will not listen to the hunter's whistle", are somewhat true.

You know, there are some people that God has been warning about certain things. He's been telling you to stop certain things/habits but you have refused. You are bent on going down that road that leads you nowhere but destruction. You have ignored the whistle of your Lord. You ignore His whistle blowers. They constantly blow the whistles in church, on the television, on social media, etc, but you turn deaf ears. You discard every warning.

He/she who has an ear, let him/her listen to what the Spirit is saying. I tell you today, Beware! Repent! God has spoken once, twice you should hear Him. Take a redress. Hearken to the voice of the Lord. For the day of reckoning is at hand. Learn from Pharaoh. . .

May the mercy of God speak on your behalf. I pray for you, may you not be marked for destruction in Jesus' name.

Involving Your Spiritual Leader

I am aware of the fact that many people find it odd telling their spiritual leaders about a relationship they are intending to start. They prefer to inform them later on. However I am of the opinion that they should be informed early enough.

There are certain advantages of informing your spiritual leaders early about an intended relationship. One point that is of note is the fact that it helps prevent entering into a relationship that you're not supposed to. For instance, a married man, or someone in multiple relationships at the same time. It is true that the conviction must be received by you. However, God places specific people in our lives for particular purposes. Your spiritual leader is not left out of that equation. No one is a know-it-all. Seek guidance, and seek it EARLY. Don't wait until you fall into a ditch and then you begin jumping from pillar to post in search of remedies. Let them guide you through the right path.
Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).

It ensures that the relationship is open. Light shines on the relationship. This helps promote a healthy and wholesome relationship. I guess knowing that you are being 'watched' will give a sense of responsibility thus the intending couple behaves correctly/ as is expected of a child of God.

Note: Because someone is called a Pastor doesn't automatically qualify him/her to take up this role I'm talking about here. So, allow God lead you to the right person.

Or what do you think about this issue?

Still On Jabez

This woman called Jabez' mother's case is a serious one. She was impulsive. She named her son a terrible name because of what she was going through at the time of birth.

When I was much younger, my mum worked in General Hospital and I would go meet her after school hours. Her office was just beside the maternity ward and I heard several women going through labour utter all sorts of things. I heard some cursing their husbands; others proclaiming they would never get pregnant again; some others curse themselves too while others simply called on God or sang or screamed without uttering meaningful words. I saw all that as a child and it won't leave me. My turn came and I knew what LABOUR was. It was tough, but I had determined I would not ensnare myself with my words.

I don't know what actions you have taken or words you have spoken in ignorance because of the heat of pressure you were experiencing at that time. Maybe you have hurriedly made life-changing decisions, lost opportunities, ended/severed God-ordained relationships, placed a curse on yourself or others. Plead for God's mercy. I pray that the Blood of Jesus that speaks better things than the blood of Abel will speak mercy this day in Jesus' name!

We must be very careful what proceeds from our mouths. Jabez' mother uttered life changing words on her son. His fate was almost sealed in negativity forever. Thank God he met with mercy. I believe self-control is the medicine for the disease called impulsiveness. And that's part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to be able to overcome this negative tendency.

Holy Spirit, help us!

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

On Jabez...

The Bible verse that dropped in my heart this morning is this:
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested (1Chronicles 4:10).
God wants us to call upon Him. He says, "Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will hear you." God is ready to listen to the expression of our pain. Don't keep quiet about that trouble you are in; talk to God about it. Tell it to Jesus. What a friend we have in Jesus. What needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Instead of switching into depression mode, switch to prayer mode. If God is your God; He's your father and friend too. Tell Him every tiny little detail of what you're going through right this moment.

Who do you call out to when trouble comes? Who do you reach out to as your anchor when the storms rage? Like Jabez, call upon GOD and not man. Not your contacts, the long legs and connections that you think you have. God will not share His glory with any man. Do you know who you believe? I know who I believe; I worship the Lord. And He is the Almighty God. All power belongs to Him.

Be specific in your prayers. There's this prayer in Yoruba that we usually joke with in my house years back; "A t'oro abebe". The real meaning is 'we ask and plead' but we would say 'We are begging for handfan'. We would also say that what if angels heard that prayer and decided to give you a handfan (on a lighter mood). Anyway, make your requests known unto God in clear terms. Jabez told God what he wanted it. Bless me. . .indeed. Not anyhow blessing. He wanted the real deal. He sought enlargement from God. And asked that the hand of God will be on Him. God's protection was sure for Him. He asked for deliverance. He asked for what he wanted to become. He wanted to cease being a burden and a source of pain.

. . . And God granted him what he requested.

May God hear us as we call on Him in Jesus' name. Talk to God. . .

Lord visit us this day, hear our cry oh God, attend to our prayers. We run to You, The Rock that is higher than us with our overwhelmed heart.
Lift every burden.
Heal every broken heart.
Supply every need.
Minister healing to every sick body.
Nullify every spell.
Deliver everyone in bondage.
Revive every weary spirit and soul. . .
In Jesus' most precious name!

Beyond Marrying In God's Will

Many people ask why their marriage is not what they wish it would be despite the fact that they married in God's will. It's simple- the devil does not want your marriage to work. It is therefore your duty to fight for your marriage. Having a successful marriage is no joke, "only the violent take it by force." Yes, God wants your marriage to prosper but you must know that someone is trying to take that from you. It is your duty not to allow him.

A student that refuses to attend classes, do assignments, do tests and exams will fail woefully. He must snap out from the euphoria of getting an admission. Marriage follows the same trend. Many people go into marriage with the wrong mindset. They don't plan beyond the wedding celebration. Wake up from your dreams!

You will have to attend lectures in the School of the Holy Spirit, write tests and exams(faced with challenges). You must be well equipped to succeed. You must therefore put on the whole armour of God. Fight the good fight of faith. Choose life for your marriage. If the devil is trying to bring in the wrong vibe into your marriage, stand firm, attack him with the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) and prayers. Choose to have a godly marriage. With God, you can!

Don't leave the wheel in the hands of the society, ideas from films, novels, social media, e.t.c. Give the wheel to Jesus! Let Him drive your marriage to safety.

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Stop Getting In God's Way

God is warning someone today. He says "Stop getting in my way". You keep complaining that your home is not what you envisioned it should be. You are getting it all wrong. You are trying to shape your home according to your wisdom. You are forgetting that God is the one with the master plan. He designed that home and He has a charted a course for the fulfillment of the purpose for which He set it up. You need to trust Him enough to build your home for you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. God is the perfect manager and director. Stop struggling to sit in His chair.

Even the Bible tells us that except the Lord builds the house, the builders build in vain. A wise woman builds her house. A wise woman hands it all over to the Lord. I tell you sincerely, outside of God, we are practically nothing. You can't do it on your own. The strength of man is no strength in the real sense. The arm of flesh has no ability and it fails and will continue to fail. That's why you keep getting frustrated. You keep saying, "But I am doing my best to satisfy this man" and so on. Let God carry you in His arms. Let Him hand you the bricks one after the other. Hand the wheels over to Him. He's the only one that can drive you(your home) to safety.

So, your husband is one way and you don't like it. You need to find out if God wants it that way. If not, you'll keep giving yourself unnecessary stress.

Your prayer henceforth should be: "Lord, I don't want this marriage to be what I think it should be, I want it to be everything You designed it to be.

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Bus stop: Zipporah's house

Exodus 4:25

Zipporah, the wife of Moses, was sensitive to the move of God. She did not take with levity what she was supposed to take seriously. She was a watchman (or is watchwoman) over her husband. She was connected to the Spirit and knew what was required for her husbands salvation. A wife must watch over her husband in prayers. Zipporah was Moses' guardian angel.

She was a brave woman. She stepped into the shoes of a man when the need arose. She didn't sit, crying that she was only a woman. She was not afraid to do what normally would not have been her duty. She was a true help-meet. She was competent. She focused on her goal of saving her husband from destruction and didn't back down until she achieved her aim.

She had the instrument at hand. She didn't start looking for what she was going to use when she needed it most. She was fully equipped. She had eaten enough for the time that had not even come. She was armed for battle. Her guard was not let down. Battle-ready, she was.

She was also a woman of knowledge and discernment. She cut the foreskin not something else. She was just accurate. She didn't guess, she was sure. She knew exactly what she was to do. A Spirit-filled woman wouldn't have a problem with knowing what steps God wants her to take because she is constantly connected to the Spirit. Thus, she knows what to do per time. She understands times and seasons. She doesn't use the methods of yesterday to tackle the issues of today, except particularly instructed to do so.

Zipporah placed the foreskin at her husband's feet. She could have placed it on his head or on his hand but she didn't. She knew where to place it. She was efficient, carried out the assignment given her with precision.

Though she was an alien, originally not an Israelite, she knew and understood her husband's culture. She was accustomed to his roots. His God was her God too.  She knew who she married and must have gathered a lot of information about him. Do you know your husband?

She also had a name for her husband. Things and situations were significant to her. She attached importance to that memorable incidence.

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

When Light Takes Over

I really don't know what the beginning of your life or marriage looked like; one thing I know though is that nothing is a mistake in the life of a child of God.

 For all things work together for good to them that loved God and are called according to His purpose. It was God that created the formless earth in the first place. He sure had a purpose. He could have just created the earth with everything in place right from the very beginning but He chose not to do that.

Genesis 1:1-4 says,
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

The Spirit of The Lord is hovering over your life/home situation. He is watching over you even in that place of gross darkness. He is with you in that place of loneliness. He feels what you feel. He empathises with you. He knows just how broken and formless your life is right now.  He is hovering over your world. That way He watches over you without sleeping nor slumbering. Though you walk through fire, it shall not consume you. The high seas of trouble will not swallow you up. For the Lord is with you; fear not!

"And God said. . ."

Wow! God is speaking to that difficult situation right not. When God speaks, the earth trembles. Shakings occur. There is revival; there is illumination.

For His Word brings light.
There is understanding of what steps to take.
 Every good thing steps in at His Word.
 His Word is life; reviving every dying or dead goodness in your life.
The Word goes to the very foundations of your life and corrects everything that needs correction.
The Word recreates every dead and decaying thing.
The Word brings forth from the dead.
 The Word does not follow natural laws.
The Word is supernatural, powerful, active and sharp.
The Word helps you rediscover what God's purpose is for your life.
The Word finds that which is lost.
 The Word heals and soothes.

The Word of the Lord is coming to you this day; it will definitely fulfill the purpose for which it has been sent.
There shall be a performance. A fulfillment of the promise.
There shall be a manifestation. And a declaration shall follow in testimony, "Goodness is here!"

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

Pregnancy Is Not A Disease

Once some women get pregnant, they take up some unpleasant attitudes. They make it look like pregnancy is a plague or something. I totally disagree.

Normal activities must continue (except your doctor says otherwise). Pregnancy sure deals with individuals differently, and your first pregnancy could differ from the second and even the third. If there is no medical reason to boycott every activity you engaged in before you got pregnant, then don't. It's a normal phase of life, please don't make a mountainous issue of it.

* You can eat whatever you wish to eat. Just don't overdo it. If you crave something, eat a little portion of it. As long as it's safe, well cooked, . . . Don't deceive yourself by believing that you eat for two (quantity-wise). Yes eat healthy meals not massive meals.

* House chores should continue. Take is easy and go at your own pace. That you are pregnant does not mean you cannot work. Just don't overwork yourself. Don't use  your pregnancy as an excuse to lazy around.

* Of course you can travel if certified okay. Check with your doctor. Nothing stops you from going from place to place if need be. Just don't put yourself under stressful travelling conditions.

* Take care of your body. Maintain personal hygiene. Maintain good postures. Get clothes that fit your present size and shape. If need be, review your make-up shades as pigmentation or depigmentation, (a result of pregnancy) could require.

* Sexual activities should continue. Many women cease from performing their wifely duties to their husband once they discover they are pregnant. Except you have a high risk pregnancy, and your doctors instructs you to stay away from sex, you shouldn't. Nothing stops you from having sexual relations with your husband up until it's time to deliver. Stop suffering that man for no just cause. Even Apostle Paul gives fasting as the only reason to abstain from sex as a married woman. Pregnancy is not a reason. Enjoy eachother. However, your husband needs to be gentle, especially in the first trimester. Be sure to work around change of positions as the pregnancy progresses. The period of pregnancy could serve as time for exploration and this could aid intimacy too.

Wish to add something, please do. Thank you!
-Omosebi, Mary Omolola.

Children And Sleep

Sleep is a vital need, essential to a child’s health and growth. Sleep promotes alertness, memory and performance. Children who get enough sleep are more likely to function better and are less prone to behavioral problems and moodiness. That is why it is important for parents to start early and help their children develop good sleep habits.

How Much Sleep Should My Child Get?
Each child is different and has different sleep needs. Below is a chart which states recommended hours of sleep for children and this includes naps for children up to five years of age.
0 - 2 months - 10.5 - 18 Hours Of Sleep
2 - 12 months - 14 - 15 Hours Of Sleep
1 - 3 years - 12 - 14 Hours Of Sleep
3 - 5 years - 11 - 13 Hours Of Sleep
5 - 12 years - 10 - 11 Hours Of Sleep
Children need and thrive on routine - The #1 tip for good sleeping habits in children is to follow a nightly routine. A bedtime ritual makes it easier for children to relax, fall asleep and sleep through the night.

Typical Bedtime Routine
1. Have a light snack
2. Take a bath.
3. Put on pajamas.
4. Brush teeth.
5. Read a story.
6. Make sure the room is quiet and at a comfortable temperature.
7. Put your child to bed.
8. Say goodnight and leave.

Helpful Tips
• Make bedtime the same time every night.
• Make bedtime a positive and relaxing experience without TV or videos. According to one recent study, TV viewing prior to bed can lead to difficulty falling and staying asleep. Save your child’s favorite relaxing, non-stimulating activities until last and have them occur in the child’s bedroom.
•Keep the bedtime environment (e.g. light, temperature) the same all night long.

Encourage Children To Fall Asleep On Their Own
Have your child form positive associations with sleeping. A child should not need a parent to help him/her fall asleep. One recent study demonstrated that having your child sleep in your bed puts them at risk for suffocation or strangulation. The child who falls asleep on his or her own will be better able to return to sleep during normal nighttime awakenings and sleep throughout the night.

Discourage Nighttime Awakenings
When you go to your child’s room every time he or she wakes during the night, you are strengthening the connection between you and sleep for your child. Even babies who are held and cuddled when they wake in the middle of the night soon learn to expect this and do not learn to go back to sleep on their own. Except during conditions when the child is sick, has been injured or clearly requires your assistance, it is important to give your child a consistent message that they are expected to fall asleep on their own.


Single Parent Families

Most children of divorced or separated parents spend at least some years in single-parent households. Another increasingly large group live with single parents who were never married. A smaller number have widowed parents.

If you're a single parent, brace up and take the bull by the horn. Raise your child according to your beliefs, principles, and rules under God. Single parents often develop closer bonds with their children. Don't let frustration drive them away from you. Take hold of your spirit. When the father is the single parent, he may become more nurturing and more active in his child's daily life than most fathers in two-parent households.  Children in single-parent households may become more independent and mature because they have more responsibility within the family.

Single parenthood is not easy, though, for parents or children. It generally means less income and a lower standard of living. Getting and holding a job may be difficult if you have a little child and can't arrange or afford child care.
Without another person to share the day-in, day-out job of parenting and maintaining the household, you may find yourself socially isolated.

Here are some suggestions that may help you meet your own emotional needs while raising your child(ren).
*Draw closer to God. Develop a better relationship with Him. Make Him your best friend. Learn to off-load your fears before Him. Let Him in on every detail. He cares and wants your soul to prosper.
*Take advantage of all available resources to find help in caring for the kids especially if you have an infant. Don't pose yourself as a super-woman. Seek help when you need it.
* Maintain your sense of humour as much as possible. Try to see the positive or humorous side of everyday surprises and challenges.
* For your family's sake as well as your own, take care of yourself. See your doctor when you need to. Eat properly. Get enough rest, exercise and sleep. Make sure you hair and clothes are well kept too.
* Set a regular time when you can take a break without your child(ren). Relax with friends. Pursue hobbies. Join godly groups. Do things that interest you. Pursue a social life of your own.
* Don't feel guilty because your child has only one parent. There are plenty of families in the same situation. you didn't "do it to her", and you don't need to penalize yourself or spoil your child to make amends. Feeling and acting guilty won't help anyone.
* Don't look for problems where none exists. Many children grow up very well in single-parent homes, while others have a great many problems in two-parent homes. Being a single parent doesn't necessarily mean you'll have more problems or have more trouble resolving them. With God on your side, you'll pull through successfully.
*Create as large a support network for yourself as possible. Keep active lists of relatives, friends and community services that can help with child care. Establish friendships with other families who will let you know of community opportunities and are willing to exchange babysitting.
* Talk to trusted relatives, friends and professionals such as your paediatrician about your child's behaviour, development and relationships within the family.

Remember, you are not alone. Jesus loves you. We love you too. The joy of the Lord is your strength!

Burping Your Baby

Young babies naturally fuss and get cranky when they swallow air during feedings. Although this occurs in both breast-fed and bottle-fed infants, it's seen more often with the bottle. When it happens, you're better off stopping the feeding than letting your infant fuss and nurse at the same time. This continued fussing will cause her to swallow even more air, which will only increase his/her discomfort and may make her spit up.

A much better strategy is to burp him/her frequently, even if your baby is not showing any discomfort. The pause and the change of position alone will slow her gulping and reduce the amount of air she takes in. If you're bottle-feeding, burp your baby every 2-3ounces (60-90ml). If you're nursing, burp him/her when he/she switches breasts. Some breast-fed babies don't swallow very much air, and therefore they may not need to burp frequently.

How to burp a baby
Here are a few tried and true techniques. After a little experimentation, you'll find which ones work best for your infant.
1. Hold the baby upright with his head on your shoulder, supporting his head and back while you gently pat his back with your other hand.

2. Sit the baby on your lap, supporting his chest and head with one hand while patting his back with your other hand.

3. Lay the baby on your lap with his back up. Support his head so it is higher than his chest, and gently pat or rotate your hand on his back.

If he still hasn't burped after several minutes, continue feeding him/her and don't worry; no baby burps every time. When he's finished, burp him again and keep him in an upright position for ten to fifteen minutes so he doesn't spit up. Don't be in a hurry to lay your baby down after feeding.