Monday 2 February 2015

Marriage Multiplies A Godly Legacy

A line of godly descendants- your children will carry a reflection of God's character to the next generation, just as it did at the very beginning (Gen. 5:1-32) 

God's original plan called for the home to be a sort of greenhouse, a nurturing place where children learn godly character, values, and integrity. Too many couples raise their children without a sense of mission and direction. They never evaluate their lives in light of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). 

Your assignment is to impart a sense of destiny to your children, to make your home a place where your children learn what it means to love and obey God. Your home should be a training centre to equip your children to meet the needs of people and the world, even as Jesus did. Children need to embrace this spiritual mission as they grow up. God want to use children in a significant way, don't deprive them of that privilege. 

Your marriage is far more important than you may have imagined. It affects God's reputation on this planet! That's why it's essential for you to set Jesus Christ apart as the Builder of your home.

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