Saturday 14 February 2015

For Young couples. . .and maybe for the older couples too

Some of the more common areas of conflict most couples face early on include finances, in-laws, spiritual growth together, the roles of husband and wife, where to attend church, and conflict resolution. Consider a few pointers that will go a long way toward helping you and your spouse handle these challenges:

1. Ask a more mature couple to mentor you. Habits are formed early in a marriage, so why not ask someone who's a bit further down the road to train/guide both of you.

2. When you married, you began a life-long commitment to love and forgiveness. Remain committed. Love always. Remember, "Love covers a multitude of sins" (1Peter 4:8)

3. Your marriage won't grow without communication and understanding. You'll know you understand your spouse when you can verbally express your mate's actual needs and desires, and he agrees with that expression. Seek to understand each other. Help your spouse understand you.

4. Walk a mile in your mate's shoes. Accept God's provision, knowing that He has an agenda for your life even through unmet expectations.

5. Don't give up on your dreams. While all the things you imagined your marriage to be may not come true, God may have a new dream for you. Talk about your dreams. Then dream together.

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