Tuesday 17 February 2015

Bus stop: Zipporah's house

Exodus 4:25

Zipporah, the wife of Moses, was sensitive to the move of God. She did not take with levity what she was supposed to take seriously. She was a watchman (or is watchwoman) over her husband. She was connected to the Spirit and knew what was required for her husbands salvation. A wife must watch over her husband in prayers. Zipporah was Moses' guardian angel.

She was a brave woman. She stepped into the shoes of a man when the need arose. She didn't sit, crying that she was only a woman. She was not afraid to do what normally would not have been her duty. She was a true help-meet. She was competent. She focused on her goal of saving her husband from destruction and didn't back down until she achieved her aim.

She had the instrument at hand. She didn't start looking for what she was going to use when she needed it most. She was fully equipped. She had eaten enough for the time that had not even come. She was armed for battle. Her guard was not let down. Battle-ready, she was.

She was also a woman of knowledge and discernment. She cut the foreskin not something else. She was just accurate. She didn't guess, she was sure. She knew exactly what she was to do. A Spirit-filled woman wouldn't have a problem with knowing what steps God wants her to take because she is constantly connected to the Spirit. Thus, she knows what to do per time. She understands times and seasons. She doesn't use the methods of yesterday to tackle the issues of today, except particularly instructed to do so.

Zipporah placed the foreskin at her husband's feet. She could have placed it on his head or on his hand but she didn't. She knew where to place it. She was efficient, carried out the assignment given her with precision.

Though she was an alien, originally not an Israelite, she knew and understood her husband's culture. She was accustomed to his roots. His God was her God too.  She knew who she married and must have gathered a lot of information about him. Do you know your husband?

She also had a name for her husband. Things and situations were significant to her. She attached importance to that memorable incidence.

-Omosebi, Mary Omolola

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