Monday 2 February 2015

Don't Ignore The Danger Signs

You find some people complaining about their spouses and if you take your time to dig very well into the underlying issues, you will find out that the exact thing they are complaining about didn't just come to be. It has been right there. They saw it during courtship but turned a blind eye. I really don't know which saying exactly they follow; "Love is blind" or "Love covers a multitude of sin". . . 

But seriously, maybe not always (since some people could be almost perfect in their acting) bit i have cone to realize that theverybody little details that were igored befo re marrange are actually warming signs. Open your eyes wide my dear. If need be put on a pair of glasses with magnification of x100. Lol. 

You might as well get ready for the greatest shock of your life if you choose to turn a blind eye to the bad ways he reacts or speaks to you or others now. If he's acting badly towards others but not you now,get ready, because it'll soon be your turn. And that's most likely going to be after he gets you totally into his hands. Then he stops the pretence and the 'real' him reveals himself to you from under the covering. It's so easy to get carried away by the sweetness of the relationship. You are swept off your feet by the lovey-dovey actions towards each other. Marriage is the place of reality. Wake up from you sleep! 

So he's shouting at you now, he'll yell even more once married. He disrespects you now, he'll walk all over you in marriage. He slaps you now, he'll punch, box and whip you wella after you're married. He flirts with women, he'll graduate afterwards. He feels insecured and threatened by you visions or achievement now, he'll do everything to push you under later on. He shows signs of distrust now and always suspects you're cheating on him now, he'll make your life a living hell soon enough because he would seize your phone, stop you from associating with people and probably beat you mercilessly one day when you make a mistake of smiling too much at another guy. The list is endless. 

You see, that pair of spectacles I recommended earlier will automatically glue itself to your eyes on the wedding day. Then, you'll be forced to see clearly. 

My simple piece of advice to my sisters (and of course brothers too) who aren't married yet is "Shine ya eyes well well"! This does not necessarily mean that you disolve the relationship (if God doesn't want you to) but so that you might be prepared for what is probably coming to you in marriage. 

I pray for you that God will reveal every hidden problematic issues with that fiancé or intending fiancé (or fiancée) of yours. May He grant you the grace to discern and make the right judgement. May He help you take the right action before it is too late in Jesus' name!

OMOSEBI, Mary Omolola

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