Tuesday 17 February 2015

Be a Man, not a Weasel

What does it take for you to admit you're wrong? In the case of Joseph's brothers, it took what appeared to be an imminent disaster (Genesis 42).

Most of us actually find it difficult to admit we're wrong. We find it hard to confess our sin to our partner and say: "I am sorry. " (I really wonder how many calories we need to say those three words)

That attitude is childish, I must say. But we don't see it. It's amazing how many spouses behave like little kids who try to weasel out after getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar!

The first step is usually the hardest- admitting you're wrong. After that, ask for forgiveness. Both sexes can have trouble with this, but in most marriages, the edge goes to the men. (He he. . . Am I right or am I right?)

Nevertheless, it's liberating to admit you're wrong, and it's even more liberating when the other person forgives you and says, "That's okay- I know I've made mistakes too." Seeking and granting forgiveness in marriage leads to oneness; ignoring these things lead to isolation.

How easily/ often do you admit you're wrong?

How easily do you forgive too?

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