Monday 16 February 2015

What is wrong with looking at someone other than my spouse or thinking of this person in a sexual way?

When we entertain sexual thoughts about strangers in the theater of our minds, we give ourselves to those images. When we invest our attention and sexual energy with others, we will have little or no sexual energy for our spouse.

Lust can lead us down the pathway of poor choices, one compromising thought at a time, and ultimately to devastating consequences. It's a gradual process, and it leads down the pit of sorrow.

The trouble with most of us is that we underestimate our vulnerability in this area. We tend to think we're bulletproof.

We forget the words of 1Corinthians 10:12, which warns, "Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."

 We're seduced into be6lieving that a little bit of porn . . . or lingering over the Victoria's Secret catalog . . . or visiting a marginal internet site . . . or making another man your best friend instead of your husband is no big deal. We think we can control it.

We also underestimate the power of sin. Someone has said, "Sin would have fewer takers if its consequences occurred immediately." Sin and death are synonymous. Sin destroys romance and is deadly to marriage.

Be watchful, and vigilant. . .

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