Monday 16 February 2015

To the unmarried, write:

My heart bleeds when I hear about or see all these failing marriages. The foundation is usually the source of the problem. If the foundation of your marriage is faulty, you are in for serious trouble. Many people are so in a hurry to be called married that they fail to ensure that the foundation of their marriages are built with the right materials- (and at the right proportion).

It's good to have a well organized wedding celebration. But remember, the wedding will come and then pass, then you step into the reality of the process -marriage. If only you would put as much energy and zeal into having a successful marriage as you would put (or are) into having a successful wedding ceremony. Please and please, don't join the already alarmingly increasing statistic of endured marriages.

First, you have to ensure you are marrying God's choice for you. It does not mean you'll have a challenge free marriage, but it does mean it'll be easier to deal with the challenges. Some people believe God doesn't choose for people again, I bet He still does. Only if you'll allow Him. You can never make a better choice than God's choice- He's all-knowing. Imagine you mixing sand and sand together to build the foundation of a house. Let God choose the cement you need to add to your sand for you ('cos He's the only one that knows what's in each person)

Secondly, be sensitive! Like my husband would always say, "The signs are always there but people choose to ignore them". How true! Watch out for the danger signs. Open your inner eyes very well. There is nothing like love is blind. Tackle the problems when it's right. Remember, there is time for everything. Don't carry dealing with them over till it's too late.

Pray, pray and pray. Keep talking to God about your marriage. God hears every single prayer. If you're truly His child, talk to Him like you are (and He will answer you). He will grant your desires. You can have a successful marriage. Desire it, work towards it! Buy the right materials and follow the author of marriage's instruction.

Yours sincerely
Omosebi, Mary Omolola

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