Monday 23 February 2015

From My Diary - 17/01/2015

I watched a movie yesterday (which I had actually seen before). It got to a point when a boy in the movie who was swimming at a competition died as he got to the finish line. It was his coffin that got decorated with the medal. He never got to hold the prize.

He had gone through serious rigours of training. He had sacrificed. He had prepared for the competition. He had worked so hard for this. His mother was waiting on him to come out of the water a champion. She was screaming, cheering him on and he made it to the end. He however didn't come out alive. His testimony was told by someone else.

My spirit was inspired to pray. To pray that
I shall witness the glory of my shining.
That I will not be missing at the time of my honour.
That I shall not labour in vain.
That I shall not sow for another to reap.
That I shall not become a bad news.
That I my rightful place shall not be taken from me.
That my testimony shall break forth.

Are you praying the same for yourself?

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