Monday 2 February 2015

A Real Storybook Finish

Do you want a marriage that both of you find fulfilling, satisfying, and sometimes thrilling? Then do in your marriage what the apostle Paul advises in Philippians 2:3-4. "Esteem one another better than yourself, looking out not only for your own interests, but for the interests of your spouse." Imagine if Abraham had done this with Sarah, rather than forcing her to do something deceitful in an effort to save his own hide! 

While looking out for the interests of another doesn't come naturally, couples who commit to self-sacrifice discover a whole new side to romance. Is this hard work? Absolutely! Is it worth the effort? You bet! I have no question about the payoff: Your love for each other and the romance you share will be richer as the days roll by. But how much of hardwork are you willing to put in? 

Remember, marriage is not just about a grand beginning. It's about committing to a strong finish. It's weathering the storms of disappointment and the turbulence of life, never losing the ability to sing with Solomon, "How fair is your love. . . How much better than wine is your love" (Song of Solomon 4:10). That kind of storybook finish can be yours.

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